Did you change the kettle to a thermal sweat? Learn how to clean it from scale
When instead of a teapot, at home or at work, they started using a thermal sweat, almost immediately the question arises of how to clean it from scale. To remove rainfall and household pollution, you can use ordinary home remedies - for example, citric acid, vinegar, soda, etc. However, in some cases, only special compounds can cope with the task, which must be used according to the instructions.
Acetic acid
At home, the thermo sweat is cleaned with the same means as the kettle - for example, acetic or citric acid. Since scale is mainly insoluble carbonates (mineral salts), they must be converted to a liquid state, and this can be done using acids.
Cleaning takes place according to this algorithm:
- Water is poured into the thermal sweat.
- For each liter, add 1-2 large tablespoons of table vinegar (concentration - 9%).
- Boil and leave to cool to room temperature.
- The water is drained, the surfaces are washed, and the thermopot is again boiled.
For processing, you can use vinegar essence (concentration - 70%), which must be taken 10 times less in volume (just 1 teaspoon for every 2 liters of water is enough). At the same time, boiling is no longer necessary, since a strong solution of essence will cope with the dissolution of scale and without heat treatment. But be careful when working with such concentrated acid - it can literally burn the skin!
If the farm has a lot of old pickle from tomatoes, cucumbers and other winter preparations, you can use it. Acetic acid must be present in such a brine - it will be it that will clean the surface of scale. The brine is completely poured into the thermpot; if it is not enough - add a little water. Then boil and rinse the device with clean water.
Lemon acid
The descaling instructions are exactly the same. The dosage is as follows: for each liter of water - 1 sachet of citric acid (25-30 g). You can take a larger amount, and in this case, boil water is not needed.
The advantage of citric acid is that it does not leave such a pungent odor as vinegar and especially concentrated essence. However, lemon is not as strong as acetic acid. Therefore, if the pollution is already very serious, its concentration should be increased by 1.5–2 times.
Baking soda
This tool is used in cases where the coating is insignificant. The instruction is:
- Water is poured into the thermal stream (to the top).
- For each liter, take 1 large spoon of soda.
- The mixture is thoroughly mixed.
- Then you need to boil the solution and drain it, then rinse the thermo sweat.
If the scum is not completely gone the first time, you must repeat the procedure again. Soda is not a very effective means, it copes only with a small layer of scale. But it does not leave any odors and, in addition, disinfects the internal surfaces.
Peel of potatoes and apples
If the scale in a thermal stream has formed recently, peeling of potatoes or apple peel is also suitable. They need to be taken in an amount of 300-500 g, washed thoroughly, cut into small pieces and put in a thermal sweat. Then it is filled in with water in full and boiled, the water is cooled for 1-2 hours and the surface is washed with a sponge with a cleaning agent.
The advantage of this method is that the peel allows you to cope not only with the "classic" scale, but also with white salt deposits. Pear peel is also suitable for this purpose.The method of its application is exactly the same (it can be done separately or mixed with apple peel).
Coca-Cola and other soda
Contrary to popular belief, refreshing drinks do not scale off due to dissolved gas, but using phosphoric acid, which is part of them. You can buy almost any soda containing this component:
- Coca-Cola
- Pepsi Cola
- Sprite
- Phantom, etc.
They just need to be poured into a thermal sweat (1-2 liters) and brought to full volume with water. Additionally, you can add acetic or citric acid, and then boil the solution and let it cool.
It is best to use Sprite and other unpainted drinks, as in this case the surface is guaranteed to remain perfectly clean.
Professional descaler
If the coating is too strong and the described recipes do not help, you can use professional products that remove dirt well:
- “Anti-scale”
- Durgol universal,
- Topperr,
- Filtero
- Techpoint et al.
Apply them according to the instructions. For example, “Antiscale” powder is taken, the thermo sweat is filled with water, after which 1 sachet is filled up for every 2 liters. Boil for 15-20 minutes, turn off, cool for an hour and rinse.
5 precautions when cleaning the thermal sweat
The cleaning procedure itself is quite simple, but even in this case, you must follow certain precautions:
- Warn all relatives in advance so that they do not mistakenly pour water from the appliance.
- Avoid the use of non-food acids - hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric, etc.
- Rinse the container thoroughly after each treatment - at least 2 times.
- Do not use abrasive products, including sandpaper, metal sponge, etc.
- Carefully handle vinegar, do not allow the solution of essence to boil, so that a pungent odor does not spread throughout the house.
How to prevent scale formation
It will not be possible to completely avoid the formation of scale, however, the rate of its appearance can be significantly reduced if:
- Clean the thermal sweat at least once every 2 months.
- Always pour the remaining water out of the tank.
- Always rinse the appliance before pouring water again.
- Use filtered water instead of tap water.
- Periodically inspect the walls of the thermal sweat under a bright lamp and, if necessary, descale immediately after its appearance.
Thus, you can remove plaque from the thermal sweat in the same ways as in the case of the kettle. However, follow this instrument with particular care. The volume of the thermal sweat is much larger, therefore, it is necessary to clean it more often.