How to clean the bath from rust and how to preserve the enamel?
Over time, the surface of the bath is inevitably covered with limescale and brown spots of rust, even among the most clean people. Sooner or later, the owners face the question: how and how to clean the bath from rust and return it to its original whiteness and shine? An alternative to regular cleaning at home is to install equipment for high-quality water purification and replace the bath, but this is an expensive "pleasure".
Basic means for cleaning the bath from rust and plaque
The surfaces of the bathtubs have coatings that have a sufficiently high strength and durability. But even they, under the constant influence of moisture, various aggressive substances, lose their appearance over time. Substances dissolved in water settle on the surface of the bath in the form of limescale, and metal oxides form persistent red spots and smudges. It is difficult to get rid of such raids. They adhere to enamel very firmly, and it is impossible to wash them with a rag and soapy water. To remove stains, it is necessary to use some special anti-rust agent. The selection of such drugs in the modern market is quite large.
Cast Iron Bath Cleaners
Cast iron bathtubs are characterized by high strength and durability, but their surface has an enamel coating, when applied, zirconium salts are used. These substances provoke the appearance of rust spots. You can remove them using any cleaning agent. We list the most famous of them.
- Cif available in the form of a spray and cream. To clean the bath of rust and limescale, it is necessary to apply the mixture in an even layer and leave for about 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. This composition copes well with various contaminants and does not damage the enamel. But against long-standing and stubborn rust, it is not effective enough.
- Sannox perfectly copes with various deposits and organic deposits, including rust. In addition, this tool helps to get rid of unpleasant odors and destroys pathogenic bacteria.
- Well-known for advertising and quite a popular tool Comet often used at home. It is made in the form of a gel and spray. If you clean the bath with this preparation, this will not only allow you to remove stubborn dirt and lime deposits, but also create a protective dirt-repellent film on the enamel surface. Although this tool does not cope with rust very well.
- An effective drug for use at home is "Phenolux". It copes well with rust spots, easily removes limescale and dirt. A feature of "Phenolux" is that it begins to work immediately after application. It does not need to withstand a certain time on the surface.
When choosing an unfamiliar remedy, it is necessary to pay attention to the substances that enter it. Do not purchase drugs that contain the following components:
- abrasive particles;
- concentrated acids;
- oxygen-containing substances (for example, "Sanitary-2" or "Silite").
Such preparations quickly remove rust and various deposits, but at the same time they scratch or corrode the top layer of enamel. As a result, the surface of the bathtub becomes dull and rough.
Acrylic Bath Cleaners
Modern bathtubs made of special plastic are durable and look great in the bathroom. Trading organizations offer many different products for cleaning acrylic products. The most popular of them:
- Gel Bass - helps to wash the bath well. Using a soft cloth, apply evenly over the entire acrylic surface. After a few minutes, the drug is removed with a sponge, and the residue is washed off with water.
- The drug "Acrylan" well removes soap stains, rust, fungus and old spots. After processing the bath with this product, a film forms on the acrylic surface, which prevents the deposition of limescale.
- You can wash the bath very well with the environmentally friendly preparation TIM-PROFI.. It not only removes plaque and dirt, but also gives the acrylic a beautiful shine.
For cleaning acrylic bathtubs Do not use products that include acetone, chlorine, ammonia, alkali, acids and gasoline.
How to wash a bath from plaque and rust with folk remedies?
In-store preparations at the right time may not be at hand. In this case, you can wash the bath well with improvised means that are almost always available at home.
- Enamel can be cleaned qualitatively with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide (2: 1). It is necessary to pour hydrogen peroxide into liquid ammonia in a thin stream (and not vice versa). After thorough mixing, this composition is applied to the surface of the bath and after 10-15 minutes, rinse with water.
- You can perfectly wash the bath from rust and other stains with thick gruel made from turpentine and mustard. The method of application is similar to the previous composition.
- Dirt, soapy scum and limescale can be removed with a mixture of wine vinegar and salt, although old rust smudges can be difficult to remove in this way. To prepare the composition in 50 ml of vinegar is added 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt. The mixture must be heated to 65 degrees and applied to a contaminated surface, leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.
- In an extreme case, you can tidy up the old bathtub and extend its life using hydrochloric acid. Work with this substance at home should be extremely careful - only with rubber gloves, glasses and old clothes. Before processing, it is necessary to isolate all chrome and metal parts with cellophane, remove detergents and clothing from the room. Using a rag, contaminated areas are moistened with acid and washed off with water after a few minutes. Do not apply acid with a brush, as the resulting spray can easily get on clothes and unprotected skin. After processing, the bath must be thoroughly washed with washing powder, soap or other detergent.
Acid corrodes enamel, so it becomes dull and rough. Only old bathtubs that are planned to be replaced soon can be processed in this way.
To make the bathtub always look beautiful, it is necessary to regularly clean it, avoiding old stains. In addition, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of water pipes and faucets - water must not be allowed to leak, since it is in such places that a bloom of rust is formed.