How useful is vodka in everyday life? Cleans, eliminates odors and more

It turns out that drinking vodka is far from the best use of alcohol. See how you can use the drink in the household! Vodka eliminates traces of glue, dirt, rust, destroys insects, removes bruises and is even used as a refrigeration element for makeshift thermobags.

A bottle of vodka

Remove sticky marks

Vodka quickly dissolves the remnants of glue. With its help, traces of adhesive tape, stickers, etc. are eliminated. Simply treat the pollution with a cloth dipped in alcohol, gently rub it, then rinse with clean water. The effect of vodka is similar to vinegar, but its smell disappears faster. Even the cheapest product will do.

To painlessly remove the adhesive plaster from damaged skin, moisten it with vodka to dissolve the glue.

From midges

To remove fruit midges from the apartment, it is not necessary to buy special poison. Take 30 ml of vodka, 400 ml of water, mix, add a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent. Spray the mixture where insects fly. After some time, unwanted guests will leave the room.

Fruit midges

As a cleaning and disinfectant

It is difficult to list all the ways to use vodka as a cleaning agent, here are the most popular and effective:

  1. If mold appears on the surfaces in the bathroom, fill the spray bottle with alcohol and treat the dirt.
  2. To wash glass without streaks, add a little vodka to the water. Use a spray bottle for application.
  3. To make the razor last longer, dip it in a glass of vodka.
  4. To restore gloss to the chrome surfaces and to clean them of rust, wipe them with a cloth moistened with alcohol.
  5. In the same way, old fat is removed from kitchen surfaces.

Life hack from magazine for eyeglass lenses: dampen a soft cloth with vodka and wipe dirty glass. The tool will disinfect them and will not leave stains.

Cleaning glasses with vodka

Vodka with water 1: 1 in a bag - as a refrigerating element

There’s a picnic on your nose, and are you worried about the safety of food on the trip? Budget replacement for thermal bags:

  1. Mix vodka with water in equal proportions.
  2. Fill the cellophane bags with the solution.
  3. Freeze in the chamber.
  4. The reusable cooling element is ready!

Such freezing can remove bruises on the skin.

For tight shoes

When new shoes are rubbed, all the joy of their acquisition disappears. In the case when it is not possible to remove the shoes, use vodka again: pour 50 ml into each shoe. After a few minutes the pain will subside.

Vodka for tight shoes

Like skin lotion

Bitter works like an astringent lotion: wipe your face with a cotton pad dipped in a drink to remove grease, cleanse your skin and narrow your pores. Alcohol helps to dry pimples, herpes on the lip.

If the corn burst, vodka will easily replace the disinfectant solution. Treat her with a wound to prevent infection and relieve pain.

Anti sweat

If your feet constantly smell, try doing daily evening baths with vodka, or wipe the skin of your feet soaked in cotton wool. The procedure destroys the bacteria that cause the bad smell.

The smell of sweat

Vodka is truly a universal household product: it replaces detergents, disinfectants, cosmetics and medical products. Surely, the hostesses have accumulated even more ideas on the use of a drink.

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