Quickly and efficiently clean clay from carpet
The need to remove clay from the carpet can arise in any family with small children. Even if the baby is engaged in modeling, he will be in his corner for creativity, a piece he is still able to drop and trample. The result is an ugly and noticeable spot on the floor. Therefore, such materials should not be kept in the public domain. But if the trouble nevertheless happened, then the mother has to start cleaning.
How to remove plasticine using cold and heat?
To clean your favorite carpet, do not immediately grab the brush and try to wipe the stain. The result may turn out to be the exact opposite: the substance will only spread out over the surface, and the contaminated area will increase. The secret to saving flooring is in the physical properties of plasticine. It consists of clay and wax or rubber, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride and other elements. They provide him with the same qualities as the resin: the material melts when heated and becomes brittle at low temperature.
This feature will remove most of the clay. To achieve this, you need to take a few pieces of ice from the freezer and put them in a clean bag. It should be put on contamination and left for a few minutes. When the substance ceases to be sticky, most of it is easy to remove from the carpet with a sharp knife or an unnecessary plastic card. If small particles are inconvenient to collect with your hands, you can use a vacuum cleaner. But the garbage container must be emptied immediately, otherwise the clay can melt. Then there is a danger that he will clog the filter.
If the so-called “smart plasticine” intended for adults has got on the carpet, then it is unlikely to clean it yourself. It is necessary to contact dry cleaning.
There are also special means for freezing, which are applied directly to the stain. The result from them is noticeable quickly, and further actions are the same as in the case of using ordinary ice.
In addition to cold, you can use the opposite effect, that is, heating. First, everything that is possible is cleaned manually. Then a sheet of paper or a napkin is placed on the carpet and ironed at low power. A stream of warm air from a hairdryer is also suitable. Plasticine residues stick to the paper. It must be changed as it becomes soiled. You can complete the procedure by walking on a cleaned carpet with a damp cloth. It should only be remembered that if the carpet is synthetic, then this method must be used with caution: it can melt at high temperature.
How to remove a stain?
But often simply removing the substance from the carpet is not enough. Wax, which is part of the mass, and dyes leave a mark, which is especially noticeable on a light coating. You can remove this stain with a soap solution. They make it from laundry soap and hot water. As a result, it should turn out to be thick and warm. Then they moisten a cloth with it and wipe the stained area. Repeat until it becomes clean.
Also effective are detergents designed specifically for carpet processing. It is also easy to remove a greasy stain with a dishwashing detergent; at the end, this area should be wiped with water.
Tools that dissolve plasticine
Special solvents will also help remove the substance.
- You need to wet a sponge in gasoline, acetone or White Spirit. They are suitable for dealing with severe pollution, and can cope with a plasticine stain.Next, wipe the desired area, moving from the outer edge inward. After a while, repeat again. In the end, to completely clean the carpet, it is wiped with a clean rag.
- It will help to remove plasticine and a tool that is used to clean the car interior. It is applied to the affected area for a couple of hours, during which time the substance should dissolve. You can remove the residues with a damp cloth.
- You can try to remove dirt with any cleaning cream for other surfaces. A small amount is applied to a dry carpet. Then the sponge should be wet and rub the right place. After this, the foam is washed off with clean water, there will be little from the cream.
In a house where there are children, it is difficult to be surprised at the appearance of various spots in the most unexpected places. This is unpleasant, but, fortunately, most of the dirt can be successfully removed, including plasticine traces from the carpet. In the same way, you can clean upholstered furniture. Just do not postpone cleaning for a long time: fresh dirt is always easier to remove than old ones.