How and how can I clean the dirt from the surface of the electric stove?
The outer parts of the stove, including the electric one, cannot always remain perfectly clean, because even with very careful handling they occasionally get splashes of the cooking food. If you do not delay with cleaning, then washing the functional surface of the household appliance and its individual elements will not be difficult.
If you do not get rid of carbon deposits in a timely manner, then after some time you will have to use aggressive agents that can spoil the coating of the device, which will negatively affect its condition. For regular cleaning of electric stoves, experts recommend the use of soft profile products, and in case of severe pollution it is better to use folk remedies.
Rules for processing the hob depending on the type of material
Cleaning begins with exposure to the hob. Means and cleaning options are selected depending on the type of material. Among the whole variety of modern plates, two groups of devices can be conditionally distinguished:
- With a metal surface. Stainless steel panels look spectacular, but their polished surface quickly becomes stained and stained. It is possible to get rid of fat and other traces only with a timely response to pollution. Fresh spots on the panels of such a plate should be immediately cleaned with special tools. On a more dense or dried plaque, you should first apply a little soapy solution and clean the formation after half an hour. Metal normally reacts even to caustic compounds. To clean metal plates it is not recommended to often use brushes, wire scourers and pastes. These funds are best left for hopeless situations.
- With a surface made of glass, ceramic, enamel. As a tool, only a foamy or foam sponge, a tissue napkin is suitable. During aggressive mechanical cleaning of such plates, the formation of scratches and chips is possible, therefore, the emphasis is on the quality of the detergent. To wash this device from sugar, melted to a state of caramel, you can use gruel from soda and water. We put it on the surface of the plate, wait a few minutes and wash it with a sponge and clean water. To remove stains from burnt milk, ammonia will help, only first you need to dilute it in 10 parts of water.
Tip: Despite all the safety measures taken by manufacturers of modern household appliances, before cleaning, even a surface, the electric stove must be disconnected from the network.
How to properly clean the handles and grill?
Handles, switches, and other small items are the easiest to wash if you remove them first. Soak the parts in soapy water, rinse with a sponge or a toothbrush, removing dirt from hard to reach places. If necessary, use soft natural abrasives, such as soda. At the end, rinse and dry all the products.
If time does not allow such a time-consuming event, at home, you can do with surface treatment. To do this, we take a tool that has been tested over the years - anise drops with ammonia. If you approach the problem correctly, then it will be possible to clean fresh and old dirt from all small parts without any problems. We moisten a cotton pad in the composition, distribute the product on the work surface, wait five minutes and wipe everything with a clean damp cloth.
If there are lattice plates on the model, it is necessary to take care of its processing. In the case of a cast iron product, we proceed according to the following plan:
- We calcine the material over the fire so that the remnants of dry mud fall off it on its own.
- Apply caustic to the surface of the product, leave it overnight.
- Then we treat the element with a composition for cleaning engines, wash off its residues and dry it.
When working with a steel product at home, proceed as follows:
- The grate is soaked in warm water with the addition of soda and vinegar for several hours, you can at night. In the morning you need to wash the dirt, rinse the product with water, do not dry.
- On a still wet object, apply a thin layer of mustard powder, leave for half an hour. Then we wash and dry everything.
- If it is not possible to completely remove the dirt, then spread with soda paste and rinse in clean water after 40 minutes.
Applying these recommendations, you can not worry about the safety of the texture of the material and the appearance of the plate. But you need to remember that the sooner the processing is carried out, the greater the chances of its positive outcome.
The specifics of cleaning an electric oven
Processing ovens of electric stoves can be carried out according to one of the following scenarios:
- We prepare a solution from laundry soap, pour it into a baking sheet and put in the oven. With the same composition, we wipe all the inner surfaces of the chamber. We close the door and warm the cabinet for half an hour at a temperature of no higher than 100ºС. Then we open the door and wait for the metal to cool. After that, you can easily wash the surface from contamination with a simple damp sponge.
- A pronounced effect in the fight against fat is different means for loosening the dough. Sprinkle the powder over the problem surface and spray with water. After a few minutes, all the fat will gather in lumps and they can be easily removed.
Often, salt is recommended for cleaning stoves and their ovens. This approach is very mixed. It is capable of both giving a positive result and permanently spoiling the coating.