Effective methods for dry cleaning carpets and rugs at home
House cleaning is a necessary regular hygiene procedure. Vacuum cleaners are usually used to clean carpets, which suck out dust accumulated in a long or short pile. Such cleaning is carried out at least weekly, and preferably twice a week (especially if the house has pets). However, a vacuum cleaner alone is not enough. Every three months it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning in the apartment. Carpet cleaning is an integral part of the hygiene procedure.
There are two ideal options for cleaning a carpet or rug:
- wet washing with special powders or gels;
- dry cleaning services.
You must admit that not everyone has the opportunity to take out a heavy floor covering to the street and treat it with thick soapy foam, which must be washed off with plenty of water. Not everyone can pull a heavy carpet roll down the stairs (only a strong man can cope with such a task). And not all carpets are allowed to be washed with water. The services of special carpet cleaning companies are an expensive pleasure if you use them once a trimester. The only option available to everyone is dry cleaning of the carpet using folk remedies.
When is it time to wash the carpet?
According to the rules of room hygiene, carpet should be cleaned every three months. This is not about using a vacuum cleaner, but about knocking out a carpet on a crossbeam with subsequent washing. However, resorting to cleaning the floor will have even more often if ...
- ... there is a small child in the house (children often play on the floor; if mom is distracted for a second, there will be a wet puddle, spilled juice or watercolor on the palace);
- ... you have pets (a cat can mark a newly purchased palace, and a dog can leave dirty prints after a walk);
- ... the palace or carpet lies on the kitchen floor (grease stains, traces of tea, wine, coffee, etc. are inevitable);
- ... you notice that a musty, fresh smell comes from the carpet.
There are effective and simple methods for cleaning the pile at home. Women can also clean the carpet using such methods, since there is no need to lift it and carry it around.
Indispensable baking soda in the home again comes to the rescue. Carpet cleaning with soda is one of the most popular and effective methods. Soda will help to clean a long pile and restore the original color of the product.
To clean the palace or other coating, you need to prepare a solution. The amount of soda depends on the area you want to process. About 10 g of soda and 1 glass of water will be needed per square meter. Dissolve soda in warm water. Pour the solution into a container with a spray. Spray the entire surface of the carpet, wait until the liquid is absorbed and dry. Collect dried soda with a vacuum cleaner.
If you find a spot of urine in a small child or animal, soak up the maximum amount of liquid with a paper towel, then cover it with a thick layer of soda. Soda helps to remove unpleasant odors, as it is a natural absorbent. After drying, collect the powder from the carpet with a vacuum cleaner.
Cleaning cabbage with sauerkraut is the “grandmother's” method that is still used by some housewives. To do this, you need homemade cabbage, fermented without the use of vinegar. Squeeze out excess juice and scatter cabbage over the area of the carpet. Pile should be cleaned with a dry brush. Garbage, dust and wool stick to chopped cabbage.If necessary, collect it, rinse under running water and repeat the procedure. Leave it to dry, and then collect it using a vacuum cleaner. This method is considered effective and is used at home.
Before cleaning the palace or carpet with salt, it must be knocked out on the crossbar or dumped in the snow. If this is not possible, you can proceed directly to the processing of carpeting with salt. To do this, you need 1 kg of large table salt. Sprinkle it in a thin layer on the palace. With a wet brush with a soft long pile, you need to clean the entire surface of the carpet, rubbing grains into the structure of the product. In addition to cleanliness, you will notice the shining brilliance of the pile. After two hours, salt must be collected with a vacuum cleaner. This is a simple and inexpensive way to clean your home flooring.
Do not rub the carpet against the pile - this will reduce the life of the product.
This is another way not only to clean the palace from dust and dirt, but also to restore its brightness and brilliance. Prepare a solution of vinegar and water (2 tbsp. Table vinegar per 1 liter of water). The liquid must be sprayed onto the pile, then brush the surface of the carpet. After a couple of hours, vacuum the palace or carpet. Despite the use of the solution, vinegar cleaning belongs to the dry group, since it does not require subsequent drying of the carpet product in the fresh air.
Tea leaves
Black tea brewing is exclusively suitable for dark flooring. Brew a pack of inexpensive small-leaf tea, drain the tea leaves. Squeeze the tea leaves. They must be wet. Throw them on a dark carpet. Leave for a few hours. After drying, vacuum the floor. Tea neutralizes unpleasant odors and pollution. If you often tea, you can pick up tea leaves so as not to splurge on a special purchase of a pack of tea.
Special tools
Carpet cleaning at home can be done using special products that are available in the form of powders or granules. To facilitate the fate of apartment residents, manufacturers have developed special tools that do not require subsequent drying. Dry cleaning is carried out as follows: you scatter granules with an even thin layer, rub them into a pile with a brush, then collect with a vacuum cleaner. Powder cleaning is of the same type.
Choose the most suitable method for cleaning your carpet at home. Remember that folk remedies are less toxic.