How long does a frozen radish lie, how to properly store the product for the winter

Many housewives try to freeze radishes in the freezer for the winter, but not everyone retains their tart taste and aroma, sometimes even becoming watery and inedible. How to keep all the benefits of radishes until the next harvest: sharing secrets.

Bunch of radishes

What radish can be frozen

Radishes have very juicy fruits that are not stored for a long time even in the cellar. A few weeks after being removed from the garden, the radish loses its density, is not so pleasantly crackling, and then it becomes completely tasteless and begins to rot. Freezing such a valuable product for the winter is a great solution. In the season of a lack of vitamins, such a preparation will be very useful to complement the menu.

Fresh radish

Small and nondescript fruits with dubious spots will not suit us. Radish should not only be beautiful, but also safe for health.

What fruits should be selected for long-term storage in the freezer:

  1. Best of all, late radish varieties tolerate low temperatures: their flesh remains more or less crispy and juicy. Enjoy an early fresh crop, and send those fruits that appear by August, for storage.
  2. Home radish is guaranteed to lie in the freezer, and store options processed with unknown substances may not be the best.
  3. Only whole, healthy fruits should be sent for storage, this is important.

Radish in hand

Those who grow radishes on their site will be interested to know that the strongest and most juicy radishes are collected at dawn, and in the evening, before harvesting, the garden bed needs to be properly moistened.

For radishes, as for other vegetables, shock freezing is preferred. As the magazine found out, so the minimum moisture and ice appears on the fruits, they retain a pinworm and a crispy structure. Slow freezing and constant temperature changes are contraindicated.

Leave some of the radish, rinse, dry and place in the refrigerator on the lower shelf: there the fresh crop will be stored for up to a month.

Vegetables in the freezer

How to freeze radish: rules

Fresh, freshly picked radish should be thoroughly washed with dust and particles of the earth, and then dried well with napkins. If you do not remove excess moisture, it will turn into ice and spoil the product. We don’t need a root; we cut it off with a sharp knife. It is not necessary to peel the fruit from a pink or white skin; it contains a lot of useful substances.

How long does a frozen radish lie, how to properly store the product for the winter

How to freeze radish, all ways:

  1. It is better to freeze the whole fruit. As containers, use plastic containers with a lid or food bags for freezing.
  2. So that the radish takes up less space, it is cut in half or in smaller parts.
  3. For salads, okroshka and other dishes, root crops are finely chopped or rubbed on a grater. In this case, sealed bags with clasps are used. But this method is the least successful: the radish retains its taste and aroma only in its entirety, cut into halves at most.

The shelf life of frozen radishes is 1 year, but it is better to eat a healthy vegetable in the first months, maximum until spring. The longer the radish is stored, the less valuable it becomes to health.

Garden radish

Defrost the product gradually, let it first thaw on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, and then at room temperature.

Other ways to store radish for a long time

Preserving radishes separately from other vegetables is not common, but you can try to make an interesting snack for the winter:

  1. We prepare vinegar solution (in equal proportions take water and 9% vinegar).
  2. For 400 ml of solution - half a glass of sugar and 1 tsp. salt.Spices - if desired, for example, with pepper and ginger you get a spicy snack, with cloves - spicy.
  3. Radish cut into cubes or halves.
  4. We bring the marinade to a boil, pour the radish in a glass jar, then we additionally sterilize it and roll it.

Show your imagination and save as many healthy and juicy vegetables for the winter menu as possible. Both fresh and pickled radishes will be very useful for maintaining immunity.

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