Freezing plums: 6 simple ideas for delicious cuts

There are many interesting ways to freeze plums for the winter. The most popular are whole fruits, halves, slices, mashed potatoes, in sugar and in sweet syrup. Perhaps after reading the article you will come up with an original idea of ​​how to prepare plums for the winter in ice cream form.


Fruit selection and preparation for freezing

To partially maintain the shape, choose dense plums, always ripe, but not overripe. Fruits that are rotten even partially, spoiled by pests, cracked and deformed in other ways. Do not harvest green plums: they will be tasteless.

Options for freezing plums

Too soft and juicy fruits are also frozen, but not in slices, but in the form of mashed potatoes and in sweet syrup.

All berries must be thoroughly washed and dried before freezing. Wipe the fruit with a napkin to speed drying.

6 simple recipes

Plum can be stored for the winter in several ways. Choose one or more to provide yourself with blanks for different dishes: salads, compotes, desserts, cereal additives, baby food, etc.



If you immerse the fruits in a common package and send them to storage, nothing good will come of it. They stick together, rumple, and deteriorate. How to save whole plums for the winter:

  1. First rinse and dry fruits freeze individually. Cover the baking sheet with cling film and place the fruit on it in an even layer.
  2. Keep the berries in the freezer for about 5-10 hours.
  3. When they freeze and become dense, sprinkle them in small portions in bags or transfer them in rows into containers.
  4. Pack tightly so that foreign odors do not penetrate, preferably in two layers.

Whole frozen plums

With whole plums, in which the bones are preserved, the most fragrant compotes are obtained.


If the plum variety allows you to easily separate the seed, then it is better to send the fruit for storage without it. How to freeze:

  1. Cut the prepared perfect fruits with a knife into beautiful halves.
  2. Pick up the bones with your fingers or a spoon.
  3. Freeze, as in the recipe above.
  4. Transfer in small, convenient portions to containers or bags. You can use plastic cups, food trays, packaging from yogurt. If the containers are without lids, then rewind them with cling film so that the fruits do not become damp.
  5. Hide the plums in the fruit and vegetable freezer compartment and store for up to 1 year.

Seedless Plum Freeze


Shredded plums save space in the freezing chamber. After thawing, they will not need further processing: just add them to salads, cook compotes, cook smoothies.


  1. Plums with dense pulp are easy to cut into cubes, slices, circles and even grate.
  2. Pieces should be frozen before being placed in a common container, but if packaged in small portions for single use, this procedure is optional.
  3. Do not forget to remove air from the package and pack everything tightly.

Tip recommends peeling off too tight a peel.

Mashed potatoes

It is recommended to puree those fruits that are slightly overripe, but have not yet begun to rot. Their pulp is easily crushed into a homogeneous mass.

Mashed plum


  1. Remove the bones. Cut the fruit and send it into the blender bowl to get the most homogeneous mass. For lovers of mashed potatoes with slices, there is another option - a meat grinder or coarse grater.
  2. Try mashed potatoes. If it is acidic, add a little sugar and mix well.
  3. Freeze the mass in small portions. Suitable containers, cups and molds for ice.Use silicone connectors for sweets and cookies to make plum puree freeze in interesting shapes.
  4. Freeze portions of mashed potatoes for 1 day. If desired, remove the frozen pieces from the tins and transfer them in bags. Use empty containers for the next workpiece.

Never thaw thawed fruit again. Ensure stable operation of the freezer. If a failure occurs, and the products have melted, immediately prepare from a variety of different dishes, including preservation.

In sugar

Plums have a natural acidity, and in the process of freezing the sweetness is still reduced. This problem is solved by adding sugar.

Fresh plum

How to make candied plums in the freezer:

  1. Rinse and rinse off the fruits.
  2. Cut into convenient slices, halves or slices.
  3. Pour sugar into a deep container at the bottom. Then form the next layer from pieces of plum.
  4. Sprinkle the fruit with sugar again. Repeat the steps until the container is full.
  5. Plums in sugar will pour a little juice. Use this freeze for fresh fruit drinks, fruit drinks and cocktails.

Sugar plum

Defrosting occurs naturally. Let the fruit thaw first in the refrigerator and then at room temperature. Do not throw them immediately into boiling water, do not use a microwave.

In sweet syrup

Plum juice is easily obtained by soaking the slices in sweet syrup. Moisture will increase at room temperature.

Plum in sweet syrup


  1. Prepare sugar syrup by mixing 2 cups of water and 1 cup of sugar. If the variety is very sweet, it is better to reduce the amount of sugar.
  2. Pour the chopped fruit with syrup so that it does not completely cover the slices.
  3. Let stand.
  4. When enough juice is released, pack the workpiece and store it in the freezer for storage.

Make sweet and aromatic compotes from such plums.

To prevent the syrup from expanding from the cold spoiling the packaging, leave a little space in it.

Enjoying aromatic ripe and healthy plums in winter is easy when there is a powerful and large freezer. Provide yourself with a vitamin menu during the ripening period of these fruits, and winter diseases will bypass you.

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