Decorative bamboo in the water - the rules for caring for the plant at home
Increasingly, in modern homes, bamboo is used as an element of decor. Grass care is simple, especially if its stems are not in the ground, but in the water. Before introducing a grassy handsome man to the interior, you need to familiarize yourself not only with the requirements for its content, but also with the recommendations for placement using the Feng Shui technique. It is believed that in this case, the presence of the plant in the house guarantees happiness, wealth and health to its inhabitants. And if you know how to reproduce copies, even at home, you can organize a real greenhouse.
Optimal conditions for growing bamboo
When planning the cultivation of bamboo, both in water and in the soil, it is necessary to take care of the creation of the following conditions:
- The window sill on the east or west side will be the best place for keeping. In this case, it is recommended to further isolate the flower from the sun with a thin curtain. In this case, the plant will not suffer from a lack of ultraviolet radiation, but it will not burn.
Tip: If you follow the recommendations of Feng Shui, then at home it is better to place the flower in the southeastern part of the room, but this can adversely affect the condition of the plant. In this case, he will have to provide additional lighting, otherwise the leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off.
- Bamboo is not demanding on temperature; it gets along well at home if the temperature does not drop below 18 ° C.
- Humidity is not so important, but in a very dry atmosphere, bamboo will not feel too comfortable. In this case, it is recommended to wipe the leaves regularly with a damp cloth.
Caring for bamboo stalks is not at all difficult. It is only necessary to choose the best option for its maintenance, to ensure the prevention of diseases and to regularly reproduce.
Features of the approach to the plant, which is contained in a liquid medium
Many beginner growers believe that you just need to place the bamboo stems in the water and the plant will exist quietly. In general, everything is true, but in addition, the content of curly grass at home implies the following simple recommendations:
- Water needs to be changed at least every 5 days. If the temperature approaches the minimum acceptable value, then the fluid can be replaced once a week. At the same time, you need to water the bamboo daily.
- If the stems are constantly in the water, the plant will actively grow. Do not forget to care for the sprouts, give them the desired shape, in time to separate the cuttings and carry out reproduction.
- Every 2-3 months it is necessary to introduce top dressing, using specialized fertilizers for this.
Tip: It is recommended to combine the procedure for introducing fertilizers with watering or replacing water, then the roots of the plant will receive a full and proper nutrition.
- It is forbidden to use ordinary water for watering and stalk maintenance, the mildest liquid, for example, thawed snow or ice, will be the best option. In extreme cases, you can use the settled liquid.
In addition, it is worth paying attention to the following points:
- It is necessary to ensure good air circulation in the room, but to prevent the appearance of drafts.
- During the summer period, it is recommended to increase the humidity in the room to the maximum permissible level, otherwise the leaves may begin to turn yellow and fall off.
- For the first time after a purchase, you should not abuse fertilizers; in stores, therefore, you often go too far with this matter. It’s better to wait about six months.
If you regularly reproduce bamboo, then after some time a lot of bright green stems will be available. They can be arranged by linking together. If desired, it is possible to change the shape of the components, which allows you to simulate complex attractive designs.
Ways to reproduce bamboo at home
Stem propagation can be carried out using one of the following methods:
- The seeds. At home, this is very problematic. All stages of the approach, from the process of seed germination to the stimulation of seedlings, involve a lot of troubles and difficulties. Even if you take care of the plant according to all the rules, a positive result is not guaranteed.
- Cuttings. The simplest and most affordable approach, giving a positive result in the vast majority of cases. It is best to carry out manipulation in the spring, it was at this time that young shoots formed on the stems. They are seated in new pots with soil or water. The main thing is to provide the roots with a sufficient amount of fresh air and adequate humidity.
An undeniable positive quality of bamboo is the fact that it is practically not prone to serious diseases, does not attract the attention of parasites. If dark spots appear on the stems or leaves, this may indicate infection with the fungus. It is enough to treat the plant with fungicide.
Too slow growth indicates a lack of mineral components. Darkening and excessive softness of the leaves indicate that the grass temperature is too low.
In order not to damage the stems during the formation of complex compositions, it is better to first consult with a specialist and stock up on special devices. With quality care, bamboo can even bloom, but it takes decades, after which the plant dies.