What to do, and how to store rose cuttings until spring?
It is important to properly store rose cuttings until spring, so that they then grow. It is not for nothing that gardeners love these flowers, because they are able to decorate the garden and fill it with wonderful aromas all summer and even autumn. But at the same time, they are quite capricious in breeding, so all the subtleties must be taken into account.
How to keep rose cuttings in the soil?
Cuttings of roses are often carried out in June and July. But if there is no desire to cut already flowering branches, then it is worth doing this in the autumn months. After pruning the bushes for the winter, good cuttings are obtained. The mother plant must be healthy, with pencil-thick shoots. These are the ones who have a great chance to take root in the future. It is necessary to cut off with precise movements, sharpened tools. Before the procedure, they should be wiped with alcohol and immersed in boiling water to sterilize. It is better to leave the upper part of the handle smooth, and at the bottom the cut should be made beveled to distinguish them.
You can plant cuttings in a special temporary place for plants. But it is preferable, nevertheless, immediately to be permanent so that the stalk does not have to be transplanted. It is planted in the ground at an angle of 45 degrees, while only a third should remain on the surface. Then the plant should be covered with a plastic bottle without a bottom and with small holes on the sides for good ventilation. In the southern regions, you can leave it that way. In a more severe climate, it is necessary to cover with foliage or lutrasil.
Another option to save the cuttings of roses is to bury them in small holes. It is convenient to use this method when it is not possible to immediately plant plants. You need to make a small indentation in the ground, about 15 cm, and put a cotton cloth on the bottom. Then you should prepare the shoots, that is, tear off the leaves from them. Then arrange them in a hole, always at a distance from one another. It is important that there are gaps between them. In conclusion, they must be covered with another piece of cloth and covered with earth.
So that in the spring it was not difficult to find a place with buried cuttings, it should be marked with pegs. If there are several varieties of roses, then they can be noted with multi-colored ribbons to avoid confusion during planting. After the end of winter, when the ground is thawing, the cuttings should be carefully dug up. On each of them, a growth will be noticeable. This means that they are well saved and can be planted.
How to use moss?
You can also save rose cuttings in winter with sphagnum moss. It must be treated with fiosporin, and the lower sections of the plant - a growth stimulator. Then the branches are wrapped with moss, packed in a plastic bag and left in the refrigerator or other cool place until spring.
In early March, you should begin to root the cuttings. They get out of the moss and remove the thorns. A special box is prepared: the bottom is lined with moss, river sand is poured on top with a layer of about 3 cm. It must be pre-washed. After this, the branches can be planted so that one or two buds remain above the ground. They are covered with a plastic bag, having made enough holes in it for good air circulation. Sprouts need to be placed in a warm, bright place, but not in direct sunlight. It is necessary to monitor the moisture of the soil: if it dries, then the package must be removed and sprayed on the plant and the soil around it.
Potato rooting
Root cuttings of roses can be in potato tubers. This is a fairly reliable method, because thanks to nutrients and starch they are well received and propagated.The tuber should be selected medium size, without visible damage. It is treated with fungicide and the eyes are removed. You need to prepare the stalk: remove most of the leaves, grease the cut with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is good to put in aloe juice for 12 hours: so the plant gets drunk with moisture, and the cut will remain fresh. You can use growth stimulants. Then, a depression is made in the potato, in which the stalk is placed.
The upper part can be sealed with paraffin by melting a candle in a water bath.
A tuber with a sprout is instilled in a small opaque pot and watered with an unsaturated solution of potassium permanganate. You can also drop it in a package and hang it on the window. After a couple of weeks, it will be noticeable that the kidney has grown. It is important to regularly water the rose cuttings. Once a week, it is advisable to nourish with sugar and water, for this a tablespoon of sugar is dissolved in a glass of water. A similar procedure will provide the sprout with carbohydrates. A month after planting, it is worth introducing complex fertilizers.
Cuttings in the pot must be covered with a jar of a sufficiently large size so that the leaves do not touch the glass. Watering should be of high quality, it is better to choose a drip method of spraying. The soil should be constantly slightly moist. Simultaneously with the emergence of shoots, roots will begin to develop. After two to three weeks, you should start accustoming the plant to open air. First, the jar, which is covered with a sprout, is slightly lifted and fixed in this position. The time of this procedure is gradually increasing. Then it is completely completely removed for a short while, also slowly stretching these periods. When the flower gets used to the open air, the can is removed for good. This may take several days.
It is not worth rushing to disembark from the pot. You need to do this in the spring, then by autumn you can get a full bush. When buds appear, they are removed.
Winter on the balcony
Preservation of cuttings of roses in winter is possible on the balcony. This method is especially relevant for residents of urban apartments.
- After the first autumn frosts, pruning of cuttings occurs with two to three buds. Their size should be about 20 cm.
- It is necessary to pour expanded clay into a plastic bucket with a thick layer, then - earth for roses. It is useful to mix it with Perlite.
- Prepared soil should be slightly moistened.
- Each stalk must be lowered into a slice of water, then into powder to stimulate growth. Then place in a pre-dug hole.
- Next, you need to wrap the bucket with cellophane and fix it on top with clothespins. Then the bucket should be wrapped in warm blankets.
- Now the whole structure can be taken out to the balcony and put in the warmest and brightest place. If the floor is cement, then foam or boards should be laid under the bucket.
- Do not often water the plants. In good sunny weather, you can let them breathe a little: remove the clothespins and spray them with water, to which Epin is added. Close the bag only after it has completely dried.
- With severe night frosts (below 20 degrees), it is better to bring the sprouts into the room.
- When spring comes, the resulting seedlings can be planted in the garden. It is necessary to get out of the bucket with a tablespoon so as not to damage the adjacent cuttings.
To grow roses, you have to tinker. But true connoisseurs know that the opportunity to enjoy the beauty and aroma of the Queen of Flowers is worth it.
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