How to choose the best time for transplanting chrysanthemums into a new pot?
For gardeners, the question is relevant: when to transplant chrysanthemums? This procedure is necessary when growing at home. In order for the plant to actively bloom and delight the eye, it should be provided with proper care.
Features of caring for chrysanthemum
Growing chrysanthemum begins with its acquisition. It is best to do this in the fall, as it is during this time of the year that it blooms. In any specialized store it will be possible to admire the bright flowers and choose especially liked ones. For many plants, both a pot and open ground are suitable. But some will feel more comfortable in the garden, the characteristics of the variety should be clarified by the seller.
Indoor chrysanthemums are quite demanding. Therefore, for them, it is necessary to create suitable conditions. And first of all, you should take care of the lighting. It should be bright enough, but not excessive. Direct sunlight should be avoided. It will be correct to place the pot near the east or west windows.
The condition for the beginning of flowering is a short daylight hours. For this reason, flowers appear in the fall. It should also be pretty cool. Experienced gardeners can provoke flowering in early spring, when the day is also short. Only the pot needs to be taken out to the cool balcony.
Leaving also includes watering. He must be moderate. If you are zealous, you can destroy the plant: its roots will begin to rot or a fungal disease will develop. No water should accumulate in the pan. It is important to provide good drainage. Water enough twice a week. We must also remember that both garden and indoor chrysanthemums love high humidity. They should be sprayed regularly. A jar of water left next to the pot will also help.
When the plant blooms, it is recommended to feed it. Ready-made concentrated fertilizers in the form of a solution, which must be diluted with water, are well suited.
When and how to transplant
Growing chrysanthemum is impossible without transplanting. Only carry out a similar procedure is necessary correctly. About when it is better to transplant, there is no consensus. But since the plant blooms in autumn, it is more logical to do this in spring. During the summer period, the chrysanthemum will have time to adapt to the new pot, become stronger, which means that nothing will interfere with flowering.
A young plant should be transplanted every year. Then the procedure can be performed every two years.
Chrysanthemum loves loose soil. But loosening should not be carried out too deep to avoid damage to the roots.
Soil is of great importance. It is allowed to purchase special mixtures in the store, you can use ordinary garden soil, if it is not too acidic. But the optimal soil will be able to prepare yourself. To do this, mix:
- 2 parts of soddy soil;
- 1 part of sheet soil;
- 1 part humus;
- 1 part coarse sand.
It is recommended to warm the garden soil before planting chrysanthemums in the oven to get rid of pests and fungi. For the purchased mixture, this procedure is not necessary. You can also add chicken droppings to the soil, it positively affects the growth of the flower. Just not too much so that the earth does not become too acidic.
You need to transplant the plant into a pot slightly larger than the previous one: a couple of centimeters wider, about a liter more capacious. Ceramics are best suited. The bottom should be laid out with pebbles or expanded clay to create a drainage layer.It is important to remember that the soil must be replaced completely. Only the composition of the mixture should remain the same as before. Then in autumn the chrysanthemum will bloom beautifully.
The transplant procedure itself is very simple. The transshipment method is used. From the previous pot, the plant is taken out along with a lump of earth around the roots. This must be done carefully so as not to damage them. Chrysanthemum is placed in a new container and lightly tamped soil. Then the flower can be abundantly watered. They do the same when it blooms, if necessary.
Is it possible to transplant blooming chrysanthemum
Although most often the plant is transplanted into a new pot in the spring, if necessary, it is allowed to move the blooming chrysanthemum in the fall. True, since this is stress for her, sometimes flowering may stop or become less plentiful. In addition, there is a higher risk that the bush will not take root.
Most often, such a transplant is needed immediately after buying a flowering plant. In stores, often use peat or a special mixture in which plants live only for a limited period of time.
The transplant itself in the fall is no different from the spring procedure. Only it is necessary to be even more careful not to damage the roots and to prevent the flowers from crumbling.
What to do after flowering
After the flowering period ends, it will be correct to give the chrysanthemum a rest. If the buds ceased to appear, and the stems began to lean to the sides, the plant can be cut almost at the root, watered and placed in a cool place. There is no need to water more at this time.
When spring comes, the chrysanthemum will begin to grow again. The pot needs to be taken out and put in its usual place; transplanting will not be superfluous either. Next, take care of the formation of the bush. It is nipped regularly so that the plant has an attractive shape. Otherwise there will be one tall stalk with a small number of buds.
Growing chrysanthemums requires some effort. But if you properly care for them and transplant them in time, using suitable soil, then the plant will bloom abundantly and brightly in the fall.