Is it possible to keep violets at home: what omens say

Florists give preference to certain plants, based on folk signs, both good and bad. For what reasons is it not worth keeping violets at home, what kind of energy do these harmless flowers have? We will understand superstitions and real reasons to refuse violets.

Negative signs

Popular signs say that violet is not the best plant in the apartment, it creates an unfavorable atmosphere and badly affects the quality of life.

Pot with violet

Here are some of the negative superstitions about these colors:

  1. For unmarried women, raising violets in the house is a sure way to remain an old maid. Flowers destroy personal life, drive away potential husbands.
  2. Violet is a husband: if you grow it, then family relationships will deteriorate, mutual understanding between husband and wife will be lost. Scandals often arise in the house. The basis of this superstition is the female energy of the flower: violet weakens the man, his role in the family becomes less significant. The flower seems to survive men from home.
  3. These plants are similar to energy vampires, they absorb human energy, cause weakness, drowsiness, unwillingness to solve problems. It is believed that a flower can lead to severe depression.
  4. Violets are often associated with burial flowers. Planting such a plant at home means attracting adversity, hardship and disease. This sign originates from ancient traditions, when violets were planted on the graves of people who died early in order to console their parents.
  5. In the language of flowers, violet means caution and even symbolizes sadness.

Home violets

Folk omens formed over many years of observation, but this does not mean that violets cannot be bred. These flowers are easy to care for, they are neat, miniature, fit into any interior. In many friendly families, violets are frequent residents of window sills. Most likely, the flower will have an effect if there is already a tendency to scandals in the house, and the man is in no hurry to take a leading role.

Real harm

If you do not believe in signs, then here is an objective explanation of the harm of violets:

  1. At night, this plant emits carbon dioxide. A flower pot cannot be placed in the bedroom, otherwise a person's sleep worsens, irritability, and insomnia appear. A good night's rest is necessary for us to live a full life, and a violet that is harmless at first glance can prevent this.
  2. The smell of flowers causes a headache, especially for blue and lilac varieties. Because of the violets in the bedroom, it’s easy to earn a migraine.
  3. Constant contact with violets causes mild muscle weakness.
  4. In some cases, mild poisoning is possible.
  5. Violet leaf or flower is dangerous for domestic cats: eating a piece, the animal gets an indigestion.

Violet flowers

Violets in the house - to be! About good signs and benefits of the plant

There are many reasons to grow violet to harmonize the space in the house and life in general.

Tip recommends placing pots on the kitchen windowsill: flowers will not negatively affect sleep, and you won’t have to worry about dry air. In the kitchen, due to the constant evaporation of moisture, violets feel very good.

Flowers in the kitchen

Signs in favor of violets:

  1. Firstly, this flower was used in love spells. Violet helped unmarried girls attract the groom.
  2. The white violet blossoming in the house is a harbinger of a successful love date.
  3. Red flowers symbolize wealth in the home and financial success. Red and pink violets will attract worthy colleagues.
  4. Violet is the color of wisdom, such a plant helps young people to realize their mission.Also, such a violet will calm thoughts, harmonize relations between relatives, smooth out conflict situations. Violet violet is a mystical flower.
  5. Lush flowering symbolizes pleasant events.
  6. Violets are recommended for cultivation in offices, as they smooth out conflict situations between colleagues.
  7. If a single flower appears on the bush that differs in color, then wait for the addition to the family.

Violet and cactus

Plants absorb negative energy, as well as harmful impurities in the air. That is why residents of large cities are recommended to grow these modest flowers: they improve both the emotional background in the apartment and clean it of exhaust from the street. And these plants can not tolerate cockroaches and ants.

Place the plants in the living room and in the kitchen, that is, in those places where you spend daylight hours. In the afternoon, violets secrete oxygen and improve the atmosphere around them.

Once having looked at a collection of multi-colored openwork violets, few are able to forget their charm. Feel free to plant these beautiful flowers, if you like them, and only believe in good signs.

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leave a comment
  1. Nina
    07/16/2024 at 18:11 Reply

    People will read all nonsense and think that it’s true. Yes, do not believe in signs, believe in the Almighty.

  2. Love
    07/16/2024 at 22:56 Reply

    I had a violet for a long time, but did not bloom! And I didn’t have a pregnancy. And then one day my violet got a lot of buds! And after a short time I found out that I will have a son!

  3. Tatyana
    07/18/2024 at 22:44 Reply

    Bullshit, moreover, complete. For more than twenty years I have been growing violets - a lot - on all window sills and I get only pleasure from the process and result.

  4. natalya
    07/25/2024 at 10:30 Reply

    everything that is written about violets by the author, all nonsense, do not litter the Internet

  5. Catherine
    08/05/2024 at 23:18 Reply

    Nonsense all this flowers are beautiful

  6. Nina
    10/06/2024 at 19:17 Reply

    Why do you have an article about opposites, the beginning .... On the dangers of violets, end of article on the benefits of violets.


