Folk and chemical means of getting rid of aphids on indoor flowers
Indoor flowers are one of the most interesting ways to decorate a room. However, it is possible that this hobby will require considerable effort from you. Even in the house of the most conscientious plant grower, flowers are not one hundred percent protected from all kinds of pests - green pets can become infected by accident. But the appearance of aphids on indoor flowers is not a reason for despair. How to get rid of pests and save flowers? Trust the instructions of experienced gardeners!
Description of aphids
Aphids are a fairly large group of pests. There are many varieties. Basically, they differ in the time of activity, the plants on which they prefer to live, and the rate of reproduction.
So the main danger of the existence of these insects is that almost all plants are at risk of their attack. In the diet of a particular species, even the rarest flower may well appear.
Another problem is that the pest is not only interested in a certain part of the plant. They affect roots, stems, leaves, buds, and even fruits.
And one more serious point - although with different intensities, all species of aphids reproduce very quickly. Therefore, it is extremely important, having barely noticed their appearance, immediately begin treatment. Every day the possibility of saving the plant is reduced.
How does aphid work? On the selected part of the plant (the leaves are more popular with her) she makes punctures. Through these holes, the insect begins to absorb the juice, drying out the green tissue. However, the pest is not able to absorb all the juice, so part of it remains on the surface of the leaves and stems. And the accumulation of moisture leads to another problem - the appearance of a fungus.
Signs of infection and consequences
How to understand that a plant is infected with a pest? There are several characteristic symptoms.
- The first thing you will certainly notice is leaf deformation. Brown spots will begin to appear on them. This is a sure sign that the flower is losing juice and dries. This color change will spread further in the leaf area. However, it will begin to curl up into a tube, after which it will fall.
- But if you carefully examine the plants, you will notice the result of the work of aphids earlier. It is about the punctures themselves that the insect makes. They are tiny, so viewing them is not so simple.
- The disease can also appear on the flowers. The buds also dry quickly, lose their shape, and crumble. If new flowers appear on an already diseased plant, then they are much smaller in size than those that grew earlier.
- Also, due to the secretion and accumulation of juice around the flower, ants will start to gather - they are much more noticeable than aphids.
- But, again, with the most thorough examination, you can find the pest itself. The most common in apartment conditions are black and white aphids.
The consequences of this pest are obvious - without treatment, the plant will soon die due to loss of juice and the spread of fungus.
Reasons for the appearance
There may be several reasons for the appearance of aphids.
- The aphid moves on its wings, and it will not be difficult for her to get through a window from the street into a room directly on a plant standing on a windowsill. Here it is difficult to make secure, because even a mosquito net will not provide complete protection against a small pest.
- A purchased flower may initially be infected.
- From a plant that has already been chosen by aphids, it can easily move to neighboring pots.Either by flying, or with the help of ants - they, attracted by the juice, become a kind of transport for pests.
- Insects can even be in the new soil into which you are transplanting the flower.
Before you learn how to get rid of aphids, which managed to settle down on a plant, we will figure out how to prevent its spread. After all, it is better to limit ourselves to simple measures listed below than to expose the plant to the influence of different chemical compositions.
- Inspect plants periodically. Pay particular attention to those located on the windowsill near open windows. As soon as you notice the appearance of small punctures, brown spots or traces of juice - proceed to search for the aphids themselves. At an early stage, it is enough to get rid of it mechanically - by collecting pests manually.
- Also, bathing a plant will help get rid of aphids - wash its leaves in the shower.
- When you get a new flower, do not rush to put it next to existing ones. Hold the beginner separately for about a week and during this period regularly inspect him for damage and insects.
- It is also advisable to inspect the purchased land. But, of course, to see small pests in it is not so simple. Therefore, you should choose a trusted manufacturer and purchase only its products.
- Do not create conditions that may be liked by harmful insects. They love dry air and high temperatures. Therefore, the likelihood of aphids in the colors that are located next to the batteries is high.
Popular drugs
The easiest way to deal with pests with the help of drugs that are sold in special shops for gardeners and in economic departments.
- Fitoverm.
This tool is practically no danger to humans. It will not harm if accidentally contacted with him and the animal. And other insects that do not harm the plant (for example, bees) will not be affected.
The drug is sold in ampoules. The method of application is described in the attached instructions: it is necessary to dissolve half the ampoule in a glass of water and spray the plant with this composition. Repeat the procedure after five days or a little later - if the aphid did not have time to spread throughout the flower. As a rule, the procedure has to be repeated three times. The tool does not harm the plants, but after using it, it will not hurt to treat them with strengthening substances. This is especially true of indoor roses.
- "Actara."
This drug should be used in more serious cases: it poses some danger to humans and pets. It is important to be careful when applying it, to prevent the active substance from reaching the mucous membranes. One gram of the substance must be dissolved in a liter of water and spray the leaves and stems of the flower. Additionally, you can cultivate the soil. After 10 days, repeat the procedure if necessary. The maximum number of uses of this tool is four.
For maximum protection, wear gloves and a respirator. After the procedure, you need to wash your hands and face well with soap. The best time for processing is before noon. This must be done in a warm room, but not in the living room. The ideal place is the balcony. After using the product, the room needs to be ventilated. After all the aphids on the plant die, wash it with a shower.
Strengthen the effect of drugs will help the addition of a soap solution.
Folk remedies - how to treat plants?
Folk remedies are no less effective in the fight against aphids. Soap, for example, can be used not only as an addition to chemicals, but also as a main means. Of course, only if it is not about the most neglected cases. Soap solution is ideal as a prophylactic. Any soap can be used, but it is better that contains less fragrance and skin-friendly additives - tar or laundry.
Rub the soap to make a tablespoon of chips. Dissolve it in a glass of warm water.Ammonia will enhance the effect (but it cannot be used for delicate colors). You can apply the solution using a spray gun, but care must be taken to prevent it from entering the soil. Therefore, it is more reliable to wipe separately damaged areas with a solution. If you have not added alcohol, rinse the plant two hours after application. If added - after 15 minutes.
Popular folk remedies for aphids are various infusions. They are especially suitable for getting rid of aphids on roses.
- Grind five cloves of garlic into gruel. Put it in a jar or bottle. Pour a glass of water, close tightly and clean in a dark place for two days. It can also be applied by spraying or rubbing.
- Finely chop the medium onion and rub. Pour a glass of water, let it brew for three hours. And you can use the husk - fill 20 grams with a liter of water and leave for 12 hours. With this solution, it is better to spray the flower.
- Boil the chopped chili pepper (you need about 20 grams) in a glass of water for an hour. Allow the liquid to brew for a day. Dilute 10 milliliters in a liter of water. Apply to the plant once every two weeks.
- Pound 10 grams of mustard seeds, pour a glass of water, leave in a closed container in a dark place for two days. Dissolve half of the resulting infusion in 500 milliliters of water.
Even if you are an experienced plant grower and provide flowers with decent care, you need to be on your guard. Pests can get to your plants from the street, from other flowers, from contaminated land.
The easiest way to protect yourself is to check regularly. You can understand that the flower was attacked by aphids by the presence of tiny punctures, the release of juice, the appearance of brown spots on the leaves.
In the early stages, you can get rid of pests with a regular soap solution. Home infusions will also help. With a serious infection, folk remedies are not so effective. Have to resort to the help of special drugs. The main thing is to follow the rules of their use, so as not to harm yourself and your green favorites.