How to choose a comfortable pillow for pregnant women?

For a woman in position, a good rest is very important. Pillow for pregnant women helps to choose a good posture for sleep, it supports the back and stomach. Similar products differ in size and shape. Expectant mother should know how to choose a pillow.

Girl with a pillow for pregnant

What is a pillow comfortable for?

A pillow for pregnant women cannot be called a must-buy item. And yet she is able to greatly facilitate the life of a woman in an interesting position.

The advantages of the product include the following.

  • The ability to sleep in a comfortable position. During the day, the pillow for pregnant women is useful in moments of relaxation: watching movies, reading.
  • The product helps to evenly distribute the load on the woman's body. The pillow can be placed under the lower back. And after a walk it’s nice to rest with your feet on it.
  • You can use the pillow throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

A pillow will come in handy after the baby is born. With its help it is convenient to feed babies, including two at once. Putting it on the edge of a sofa or bed will protect the little one from falling. Mom has the opportunity to leave the baby for a few minutes, going about their business. It is only necessary to take into account the age of the crumbs: an actively crawling child through it will simply climb over.

Pillow for expectant mothers

What are the pillows?

A pillow for pregnant women is a very convenient thing that can make the life of a future mother a little easier. So that the product does not turn out to be a worthless purchase, you need to choose the right shape. The range of pillows is large enough, each of them has pros and cons.

One of the most popular options is a horseshoe. This product is made in the shape of the letter U. The main advantages:

  • it provides support for both the abdomen and the back;
  • the load on the spine is distributed evenly, a woman in position has the opportunity to relax perfectly;
  • if the expectant mother changes her posture in a dream, then the pillow will not have to be turned over, because it provides a comfortable rest on either side.

The disadvantages include a fairly large size, it takes up a lot of space. In addition, you will not be able to sleep in an embrace with your husband. But often it is so difficult for pregnant women to choose a position for sleep, that such a product becomes a real salvation. Only when buying, you need to pay attention to the length: some products are designed for women taller than 160 cm, others - for miniature expectant mothers.

A pillow shaped like a bagel is also quite comfortable. She needs less space than a horseshoe. If desired, it can be placed under the head, back or tummy. She embraces the whole body, so the expectant mother is very comfortable. But if a woman rolls over, her back will be without support, and her stomach will rest against a pillow. The product must be turned over each time.

Not so long ago, pillow manufacturers proposed a new product - a product in the form of the letter G. It is very functional, in shape resembles a bagel pillow. With the help of a G-shaped pillow, the expectant mother will be able to relax her muscles, have a good rest day or night. The product is conveniently put under the head, it can also be wrapped around your feet. But some mothers say that the tail of the letter G interferes with them during periods of sleep.


When choosing a pillow, you need to pay attention to the seams: the threads should not stick out. A pronounced smell means that the product was of poor quality paint.

The banana pillow has the shape of the letter C. It is more compact than most other similar products. At the same time, it is convenient to sleep with her on her side even in the last months of pregnancy.It is suitable for daytime rest, it is difficult to relax with her in a half-sitting and reclining position. The banana has no obvious minuses, and the relatively small size allows you to take such a pillow on a trip.

I-shaped pillow for pregnant women is distinguished by its simplicity of shape and high functionality. Such a roller does not take up much space, but helps the body to relax, as it reduces the load on the spine. The cost of such a product is not too high. The disadvantages include the need to turn the pillow over when changing position.

The L-shaped pillow resembles an ordinary roller, but at the top there is a rounded part intended for the head. A fairly convenient product that future mothers use with pleasure.

Composition of the pillow for pregnant women

Which filler is best for pregnant pillows?

It is important to determine not only which form of pillow to choose, but also its filler.

Some women tend to choose products with natural fillers, which include:

  • buckwheat husk;
  • fluff;
  • wool.

However, such materials have significant disadvantages. For example, wool may fall off and the pillow will lose shape. Fluff is a strong allergen. Even if a woman does not manifest unpleasant symptoms, then the reaction may develop in the baby in the future. In buckwheat, insects quite often start. If the manufacturer claims that pests do not start in his products, then the materials are most likely treated with chemicals. And it is also not useful for pregnant women.

For these reasons, artificial materials are used as filler for such pillows:

  • polystyrene foam;
  • holofiber;
  • synthetic fluff;
  • comfort.

Opinions about which filler is better differ. One of the most popular options is polystyrene foam balls. They can be large or small. Such a pillow for pregnant women not only helps to relax comfortably, but also helps to get rid of stress. It adapts to the shape of the body, allowing you to take the most comfortable pose. Advantages of such products:

  • they are very light;
  • do not harm health, are hypoallergenic;
  • do not retain odors;
  • dust mites do not start in polystyrene, mold does not appear.

Pillows with a similar filler will last a long time. They can be washed, they will not lose their shape. The product also has a drawback - balls, especially if they are large, rustling very much. This sound may interfere with relaxation.

Hollofiber is a filler with similar properties, but it lacks such a minus. It is a special fiber that fuses together under the influence of high temperature. It is easy to look after such pillows at home, it is not difficult to wash them and dry them.

Like polystyrene, holofiber almost never causes allergies, parasites do not start in it, it does not absorb odors. In addition, the products hold their shape well and pleasantly spring.

Artificial down and comfort are just as safe compared to natural materials. But they quickly lose their shape, so polystyrene and holofiber are leading among fillers.

Cushion cover

Product Features

Good pillows for pregnant women are multi-layered. The filler is placed in a dense fabric cover. Above is a removable pillowcase. Future mothers can choose the material and color to their liking, as well as taking into account the characteristics of the interior. Similar accessories for sleeping are monophonic or with cute patterns that understand the mood.

Tip magazine recommends paying attention to how convenient it is to take off a pillowcase. After all, it may be necessary to wash it quickly, especially if then the pillow will be used to feed the baby.

Woman with a pillow for pregnant

How to use a pillow for pregnant women?

Pillow for pregnant women is a practical and functional accessory for sleeping. But you need to be able to use it correctly. Unusual shape can cause bewilderment.

The following tips are worth considering.

  • To begin with, it is advisable to consult a doctor who is pregnant. He will recommend the best options, taking into account the individual characteristics of the future mother.
  • Before going to bed, you can try to fold the pillow in different ways to make sure its elasticity and firmness.
  • When stacking, it is worth trying to take different poses: put this product under the head, back, stomach, between the legs. This will determine the most convenient position.
  • In the daytime, it is comfortable to lie on such a textile product while reading a book or watching TV.

When the baby is born, the pillow will turn out to be used for feeding. If it is convenient to feed while sitting, then one end of the product can be wound behind the back, and the other placed on your lap. Thanks to this, the spine will receive support, the load on it will decrease. In addition, hands are freed, because the baby is lying on a pillow and it just needs to be slightly supported. Feeding while lying with a pillow is also convenient: there is no need to turn over to give the baby another breast, it is enough to put it on this accessory for sleeping and feeding.
Feeding the baby on a special pillow
When absent briefly from the room or just moving away from the bed, mom can make a reliable barrier out of the pillow, which will protect the baby from falling. Also, the product can be used to help your child learn how to sit. Just need to consult a doctor: if you start to sit down too early, that is, there is a risk of provoking problems with the spine.

Choosing a pillow to rest, the expectant mother can choose for herself the most comfortable option. Some stores have the opportunity to lie down with your favorite product to evaluate it. If there is no such service or a purchase is planned online, then it is worth exploring the features of different models. The pillow will provide a comfortable rest, which is useful for a woman in position and a baby. Good sleep and good mood are the key to an easy pregnancy. If you have questions about how to use this night accessory, you can watch the video.

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