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Is it possible to remove scratches on the glass of a car using improvised means?

Looking at the world through perfectly clean and transparent glass windows is a pleasure! But when it comes to scratches on the car glass, the problem ceases to have a purely aesthetic character. Scratches on the windshield will impair visibility and distract from the situation on the road, so whether you are a perfectionist or not, you need to get rid of them, and soon. But here is the question: is it possible to fix these surface defects on their own without contacting a car service? The editors of decided to figure out what you can count on, relying solely on their strength and improvised means.

Deep scratches on the side window of a car

What scratches can be removed?

Small scratches and scuffs on a car that has been in service for several years is the norm. They are not so much a hindrance to spend on their elimination of strength, time and money. Usually, the question of how to remove a scratch arises when a furrow appears on the glass that cannot be overlooked. Unfortunately, such scratches cannot be removed on their own unequivocally: even in the service they will have to sweat.

Then what can be polished?

  • The muddy marks from the wipers (but not the scratches left by them!).
  • Small crumbs from the sand.
  • Small scratches that are hard to see.

By the way

It is the combination of crushed stone, small chips and scuffs that spoils the visibility the most. This is not so important on the side window, but if this is the main problem, then polishing at home will give a positive result, although it will leave all the major scratches in their places.

That is, in fact, with your own hands without fear you can only polish, and then you have to act carefully.

Car glass polishing

How to polish?

In theory, everything is simple: polishing the glass with any soft abrasive should help from scratches. In fact, it turns out that the best option is still a special polishing paste and a special polishing machine. But we want to remove scratches on the glass of the car without buying anything expensive! Then there are few effective and safe options.



What should I do if I scratched my phone or watch? Many portals advise polishing the product with ordinary toothpaste. Perhaps there are craftsmen who really managed to get rid of scratches in this way, but this repair method still does not inspire confidence. The abrasive in the paste is too small and soft: it will take forever to polish the glass in this way.

Soft sandpaper

Soft sandpaper

If with paste it is difficult to achieve at least some kind of shift, with sandpaper, even the smallest, it is easy to overdo it. Not only does the risk of new, even more noticeable scratches fly up to heaven - intense friction can form a depression that will violate the evenness of the curvature of the glass, and it will look no better than a large chip.

Paste GOI

Paste GOI

But such a polishing of a car glass may well work! Soldiers are well aware of the paste from the powder of chromium oxide: how to clean a badge before shine, if not with it? In everyday life, it is used for polishing metal and glass products. Only here has its own characteristics.

  • You need to choose a paste with an average abrasive: this is 2 or 3 number.
  • It cannot be applied to the polished surface due to the risk of scratches, therefore, the paste is applied only to the fabric.
  • The fabric is chosen lint-free: felt or lint-free napkins are quite suitable.

They say that to enhance the effect, you can add gasoline or oil to the paste, but we would not risk the integrity of expensive automotive glass.


Large and deep furrows require not polishing or even grinding, but filling with special polymers. Even having bought all the necessary materials, doing it yourself without a minimum of experience is unrealistic, so in order to avoid unnecessary frustration it is better to immediately ask for the help of a knowledgeable person.

Is that all? Unfortunately yes. Other methods require special equipment and polishing, and the procedure for removing imperfections carried out at home will not differ much from what they will do in the workshop.

Auto glass polishing

Why is it better to contact the master?

Nevertheless, GOI paste and a piece of felt cannot be compared with equipment in workshops and the experience of craftsmen in terms of efficiency and expediency.

Polishing is not fabulous money, and the advantages of it in the cabin are obvious.

  • You will not ruin the glass by mixing vigorous polish on the advice of a connoisseur from the Internet or choosing the wrong speed of the machine.
  • The polisher at its optimum speed is more than 100 times faster than your hand with a rag.
  • Service workers do this for several days and they know the nuances that are not attached to the instructions along with the grinding machine.


We often create scratches on the windshield ourselves when washing windows incorrectly. Do not wipe them dry with a rag with grains of sand or hard cloths - and the polishing problem can be delayed a little.

Polishing just seems like a simple process! To do everything right and beautifully, grandmother's advice may not be enough. Yes, and risking the integrity of glass worth several thousand rubles from a saving of several hundred is a dubious tactic for managing finances.

Polishing glass Lada

Can I learn to polish myself?

People learn this! True, time will have to invest a lot. What is the stage of choosing a quality machine and a suitable paste. To learn all the details and technology, you need to be really interested and love cars! If garage conversations never inspired you, the acquired knowledge will not be worth the time and torment.

If you already decided to take up putting the glasses in order, approach this matter responsibly and do not console yourself with illusions. The only more or less working “folk” remedy may save money, but it will take a lot of time and will not bring the desired result. The remaining methods are either frankly useless or unsafe! It turns out that it remains to master the science of polishing, buying a machine, wheels and paste, or to give the car into the hands of professionals and fall quietly!

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