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Separate the cream from the milk with your own hands

In production, a special apparatus, a separator, is used to extract cream. At home, you can separate cream from milk without appliances without special equipment.

Heavy cream

How are cream formed?

Cream is a dairy product obtained from milk in the process of its degreasing, in other words, the fat-containing part of milk. For their separation, always take homemade, fatty milk. A sufficient indicator is from 4%. There are no additives in a natural product that will affect the taste, quantity and quality of cream. You won’t get cream from homogenized store milk.


The most delicious creams are separated using a separator, but not everyone can afford such a purchase.

The output is quite fatty (20-25%, depending on the milk taken), tasty and gentle cream. Use them to make desserts, drinks, beat in butter or cook sour cream.

How to assemble: a simple method

To collect the cream, it is enough to let the milk settle until a clear border appears on top. The fatty product will be higher.


Assembly Instructions:

  1. Pour milk into a clean container: jar, dish, glass. It is better to take glass containers, through the walls of which a dividing line will be visible.
  2. Put the product in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.
  3. The cream will collect on its own at the top of the dishes, the milk will remain below.
  4. Using a spoon, carefully separate the cream from the milk. It is better to find an unnecessary device made of thin metal and bend it like a scoop. Or use a small cooker.
  5. Do not shake the jar, so as not to accidentally mix the two products.
  6. From the first time, approximately 1/10 of the milk passes into the cream.

Cream and milk separation

Advice from
Milk can be sent to infuse again. This time it will take at least a day to get a greasy top layer.

Work with a separator at home

If you have a home separator, then it is wiser to use it. Why is the appliance sometimes badly separating cream, and how to adjust it?

cream through a separator

There are several reasons for the separator not working properly:

  1. Parts (rubber pads, brushes) are worn out.
  2. You use hot milk (take cold milk, not higher than 40 degrees).
  3. Incorrect creamer installation.

If milk does not separate, inspect the structure for deterioration, clean it, and tighten the milk supply screw. If necessary, replace the o-ring on the rotor.

Cream is very tasty, but do not forget that you need to control the amount of fatty product in the diet.

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