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How to wash horizontal and vertical blinds from various materials?

General cleaning in an apartment usually takes a lot of time and effort, which sometimes forces you to put it in a distant drawer. However, if you approach this matter wisely, you can significantly reduce your time costs. For example, if you figure out how to wash blinds without even removing them, then your life will become much easier. You know how much dust they accumulate on themselves, especially in the summer, when the windows in the apartment are fully open. Removing blinds from windows every week is quite problematic, so you need to find a different solution.

Metal blinds

Metal and plastic

Wash horizontal blinds made of plastic or metal is not so difficult, given all the recommendations. This type is the most common, as it is convenient to use and looks very attractive. The main advantage of such structures is that they can completely block sunlight from entering the apartment, unlike, for example, curtains.

You can wash such blinds in the following ways.

  • Wipe each panel individually with a damp sponge or soft cloth. But this option is suitable only if the apartment has only a couple of windows, since such cleaning will take you a lot of time.
  • You can wipe the panels on both sides at the same time, which will speed up the process and prevent the possibility of breakage. To do this, you can use the most ordinary dust cloth, which will be folded in half.
  • If you need to clean as quickly as possible, then you need to close the blinds so that the panels are perpendicular to the floor. Now you just need to wipe the surface with a sponge. It is advisable to do this several times in order to completely remove all dust and dirt.
  • In the event that there are spots on the blinds that are not washed off, it is necessary to remove them and wash them in the bathroom under a stream of warm water with cleaning products. At the same time, you need to remember that you should not use too high a pressure, since plastic panels can bend and even break.

Wooden blinds


Blinds, which are made of wood, are quite rare, since they cost significantly more than plastic and metal. However, they are an excellent eco-friendly analogue. It should be remembered that it is difficult to care for such blinds. Any stain from coffee or tea can cause the tree to swell. And the stain itself may not be washed, as it penetrates deep into the structure of the material. Dust from the panels is removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner. Wet cleaning is not allowed here.

Fabric vertical blinds


To read blinds that are made of fabric, you can use several methods. The choice depends on how dirty the product is. If only dust has accumulated on fabric blinds, then simply vacuuming them is enough. This should be done at minimum power so as not to damage the fabric. It is also advisable to use a special nozzle, which is designed for cleaning furniture - it usually comes with a vacuum cleaner. It is enough to clean blinds only twice a month. However, if the windows are constantly open and the house is next to the road, the number of cleanings may be more.

If the product has more serious dirt, such as coffee or grease stains, it should be washed. You can do this even in the washing machine, choosing a careful mode.

This procedure is as follows.

  1. First you need to remove the blinds.
  2. Then they should be disassembled and separately removed those parts that do not go to the wash.
  3. Wrap the fabric part in a roll and put it in a special bag for washing.
  4. After the wash is finished, the blinds must be immediately put on the dryer. You should not postpone this moment.
  5. If possible, hang fabric slats and attach small weights to the fabric. Thus, the blinds will be as even as possible.
  6. Wipe hard parts with a damp cloth.


Fabric blinds should not be washed too often, as they can lose their shape. It is recommended that you do not do the laundry yourself, but about once a year carry the blinds into dry cleaning, where they will be handled by specialists.

Cleaning vertical blindswider, which means that you can wipe them much faster. In addition, not much dust accumulates on vertical panels.

In the event that the blinds are made of plastic, they are washed in the same way as vertical ones. You need to wash each panel individually with a damp cloth. This can be done without removing the entire structure from the windows, which greatly simplifies the task.

If the vertical blinds are made of fabric, then it is a little more difficult to care for them. Firstly, they are very difficult to vacuum, because in the process you have to hold the panels. Secondly, they will need to be washed once or twice a year, and this is a rather troublesome task. You will have to remove the plastic parts from each panel and wear them again after washing.


For washing, it is better to use a gel rather than dry powder, so as not to damage the fabric.

Removing horizontal blinds from a window

How to remove the blinds from the window to wash

So, we found out: in order to clean and wash the blinds very well, they need to be removed periodically. Sometimes this causes some problems, especially if this is done for the first time. Horizontal blinds can be removed very simply, as they are hung with the help of an arm with fasteners called “swallows”. You will need to push the front and back walls at the very top panel with your fingers, and then remove it from the latches. Some blinds have a more complex design - a screwdriver is required to disconnect.

Vertical blinds are removed from the windows even easier, since each panel is hung there individually. In the upper part there is a special plug that is pulled out, after which the rest is removed.

If something is not clear to you, then the portal recommends reading the instructions. There, usually everything is described as detailed as possible. In some cases, illustrations are even included.

As you can see, removing the blinds from the window to wash will not be difficult if you understand all the nuances.

Dust removal of horizontal blinds

Wash blinds at home in a couple of minutes

Many may be interested in the question of how to quickly clean the blinds if a lot of dust has accumulated on them. In this case, it is best to use a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle. However, if the power is not regulated by the device, then it is not worth experimenting, since you can damage the structure in this way - break plastic panels or tear the fabric.

For quick cleaning, you can use a stiff brush. It should be dry and not too large. With it, you can simply walk through the panels, thus removing dust and dirt. Of course, this type of cleaning is not ideal, but in some situations it will be very useful.

Living room with white vertical blinds


If you want the blinds to serve you as far as possible, then you need to adhere to some tips.

  • Do not hang a fabric structure in the kitchen, as there it will be in constant contact with food and fat. Preference should be given to blinds made of plastic. They are easy to clean and remove from windows. Wet weekly cleaning does not take you much time.
  • Use only gentle household chemicals for cleaning. If possible, completely discard it and wipe the panels with just water.
  • Try to avoid washing your own fabric blinds. Leave it to the professionals. This approach will help you keep your tissue safe for years to come.
  • Do not use the vacuum cleaner unless you are sure that its power is not too high.
  • Apply a special solution to the blinds that prevents the accumulation of dust. You can buy such a tool in specialized stores. This will greatly simplify your life, as the blinds will get less dirty.

Wash blinds at home and keep them clean in the future is not so difficult. First of all, do not wait until they become very dirty. If you pay attention to the panels every week and wipe them, they will need general cleaning only once a year.

We recommend reading the article: how to wash vertical fabric blinds

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