How and how to clean rust from a metal surface at home?
Everyone knows that iron surfaces under certain conditions tend to oxidize over time, even if they have a protective coating. If measures are not taken in time, then removing rust from metal can be very difficult. The oxidation process not only spoils the appearance, but also gradually makes the product unsuitable for further use. If objects used in everyday life are prone to rust, then to get rid of it, you can use one of the ways to remove the plaque formed at home to maintain metal surfaces in good condition.
There are both factory tools and folk methods that can get rid of rust on iron objects. Of course, any owner will try to wipe away the raid with improvised materials so as not to spend money on the purchase of cleaning products in household chemical stores. Some surfaces can be cleaned with a wire brush, sandpaper or other tools that use the principle of abrasive impact on the material being processed. But removing rusty deposits by this method makes sense only if, after such cleaning, the product does not lose its performance or aesthetic appearance. For example, such a procedure should not be done with galvanized or enameled objects.
Several ways to clean rust from improvised means
There are many more gentle folk methods, the most famous of which are given in the following list.
- Exposure to an oxidized object for 2 hours with a mixture of vinegar and lemon juice, prepared in a 1: 1 ratio.
- Application on a rusted surface of tomato sauce or ketchup for 10 minutes.
- Processing the product with baking soda, diluted to a pasty consistency, and subsequent removal of the applied layer after half an hour.
- Immerse the rusted item for several hours in Coca-Cola or wet it with a corroded surface.
These methods are especially popular, since you can remove rust from metal with their help without having to visit household chemical stores before, because there are usually no problems with finding a cleaning agent. If it was not possible to completely get rid of the rust, then the procedure can always be repeated or used for cleaning in more effective ways.
A good result can be achieved if you try to remove rusty plaque from metal surfaces by using another method available for home use. It is necessary to pour a little salt on the problem place and drip lemon juice on top of it, then, cutting the potato in half, rub it with a rusty stain. Acids contained in lemon and potato juice will do the job, and salt in this case acts as a soft abrasive material. After a while, to remove reaction products and residues of cleaning substances from the surface to be treated, it should be washed with a wet sponge and then wiped dry (which, incidentally, should be done using any other method).
Lactic acid also interacts well with oxidized iron. But so that the formed salt of this acid can be easily removed from the surface, lactic acid is mixed with petroleum jelly in a 2: 1 ratio before use. This substance has the property of easily dissolving iron lactate. After that, after some time, it is enough to wipe the treated object with a dry rag to return it to its original appearance.
To maintain metal surfaces in good condition after removing contaminants, they need to be wiped dry and then wiped with alcohol or acetone. Some items are wiped with a piece of cloth soaked in machine oil or kerosene, while others are covered with a layer of wax for storage.
Some pharmacy products can remove rust.
Removing rust deposits with chemicals and factory cleaners
Getting rid of rust by household means is not so easy, especially if its layer is already quite thick. Therefore, if you are friends with such a science as chemistry, then for you there are still some options for solving this problem. One of them is Alka-Seltzer, which is sold in tablet form. After dissolving 5 tablets of this substance in water and immersing the processed object in it, you can get an excellent result in a few minutes. Another chemical agent for cleaning corroded surfaces is a mixture dissolved in 100 ml of water, which contains 0.5 g of potassium hydrotartrate and 5 g of zinc chloride.
The most effective way to get rid of rusty deposits chemically is to expose them to a solution of sulfuric or hydrochloric acid in a small concentration. But these substances are so aggressive that they can also interact with non-oxidized metal, damaging the surface structure. Therefore, to prevent such negative consequences, inhibitors are mixed with acid solutions, which can be the following substances that prevent the dissolution of metal in them:
- urotropin added in an amount of 0.5 g per 1 liter of a 5% solution;
- potato tops mixed in acid for 20 minutes;
- zinc, which takes upon itself an acidic “blow,” since it is a more active metal than iron.
But how to clean the knife from rust (or another household item) if you are not friends with chemistry and folk remedies do not help? In this case, there is always the opportunity to visit one of the specialized stores where you can purchase a suitable product, such as a rust converter. The principle of operation of this composition is that, interacting with an oxidized metal, it forms a thin iron film of a chemically pure substance on the surface of the product. As a result, the oxidation process stops due to the blocking of oxygen access. Such a factory product may be sold as a solution, aerosol or suspension. After processing the metal with it, its surface acquires a bluish-violet hue.
Studying the methods described above will help you decide which one to use to wipe off the rust. But it is also important to learn from your own mistakes. After all, metal corrosion does not occur by accident. This process begins only when the environment meets certain conditions, which always include the combination of oxygen access and high humidity. Given this, try to store metal objects in a suitable place, taking timely preventive measures.