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How often do I need to replace my toothbrush with a new one

Replacing a toothbrush in time is much easier than replacing a tooth. Oral diseases do not bypass a single person. How often to change a toothbrush, and how to use it correctly to reduce the risk of tooth decay and other troubles? Once again, pay attention to what each dentist told you.

Why you need to change toothbrushes and nozzles

Nothing lasts forever, this also applies to toothbrushes. From constant use, they shag, stratify and become thinner, losing the ability to clean interdental spaces. The protruding bristles not only look unaesthetically, they injure the oral mucosa, causing microtrauma, bleeding and inflammation. It is necessary to select the correct degree of stiffness of the bristles and avoid unpleasant sensations when brushing your teeth.

Colored toothbrushes

Too hard brushes are recommended for temporary use in the presence of dental deposits and as recommended by the dentist. It is generally better to use medium or soft bristles.

The brush is quite capable of becoming a breeding ground for infection, especially in people with existing diseases of the teeth and gums. Microcracks appear in the material of the bristles and heads over time, into which particles of the scrubbed food become clogged. All this is mixed with microbes, and here on the subject of hygiene lives a whole colony of dangerous microorganisms. Microscopic pests when brushing your teeth fall on weakened enamel and gums again and again.

Any brush gradually accumulates bacteria in the bristles. The older it is, the easier this process is. Even regular rinsing and disinfection are not able to significantly extend the shelf life of the hygiene item.


Advice from
Artificial bristles accumulate bacteria more slowly. Do not be afraid of such materials, an artificial brush of the proper quality thoroughly cleanses the oral cavity. Bamboo varieties require more frequent replacement - on average once every 1-2 months. Items with a wooden handle are the same.

The problem of frequent replacement is also relevant for electronic brushes.

How many times to change a regular brush

Any, even the most expensive brush has an expiration date. On average, dentists recommend that an adult replace an item of hygiene every 2-3 months. The frequency depends on the intensity of use. Someone brushes their teeth very aggressively, someone generally forgets to do it. In any case, you should be guided by the state of the bristles. Once they have lost their original resilience / stiffness - throw it away, the accessory no longer protects against caries and plaque.

Spoiled toothbrush

Check if the object smells bad, as this is the worst sign. And even more so, you should not use the accessory if traces of mold were found on it!

Manufacturers make the task easier by providing the bristles with a special color indicator. As soon as it changes color - brightens, it's time for you to buy a new brush. Look for information on the indication of packaging.

After an infectious disease - tonsillitis, flu, etc. - it is necessary to replace the toothbrush, regardless of its age.

If the item fell on a dirty floor, then it is better to invest in a new purchase. Always compare the cost of a brush and a visit to the dentist in your head.

Toothbrushes in a glass

What happens if you ignore the condition of the toothbrush? Hygiene products will become a major hazard to oral health. From poor-quality brushing, the teeth are covered with plaque, and then with tartar.It is fraught with caries. And damage to the gums and their bleeding will lead to serious inflammation of the mucosa.

When choosing a new accessory, pay attention not only to the wear indicator, but also to the tilt of the bristles - they will clean the space between the teeth well, if there is a pronounced angle. The item should also have a pad for cleaning your cheeks and tongue. These areas of the mouth are often ignored by people, although most bacteria accumulate there.

Child's toothbrush

To begin with, a child is selected a brush with a miniature handle, always made of soft artificial material. An electric tool is best put off until the age of 6. At the same time, set it to the most gentle mode to save thin children's enamel.

Child's toothbrush

The shelf life of a baby brush does not differ from an adult: the same 2-3 months. If a child has a cold, replace his personal item immediately after recovery.

To make it interesting for the kid to brush his teeth, get bright toothbrushes with a relief handle.

Electronic brush and the rules for its operation

An electric toothbrush is considered more efficient and convenient. It provides a complete cleaning of the interdental space from plaque and food debris. Maximum purity is guaranteed by manufacturers of sound electronic varieties.

The rules for the use and timely replacement of nozzles are the same as for conventional brushes. Once every 2-3 months or after infectious diseases, the instrument requires fresh nozzles.

Buy several nozzles of different stiffness at once to replace them in a timely manner.

Electronic brush

How to brush your teeth and care for brushes: simple rules

You have heard more than once that you need to brush your teeth twice a day or more often, after eating and always before bedtime. Spend at least 2 minutes on one procedure when using an electronic brush, and 3-4 minutes when using an ordinary one. In this case, the brush moves from top to bottom, and not from side to side. Each tooth requires the same amount of movement from all sides. Do not ignore the front teeth, pay attention to the farthest.

Do not press on the subject too hard, zealously clearing the spaces between the teeth. So you just wash the enamel and bother the gums.

Interesting fact
On average, it takes 5 times less effort than an ordinary person makes for cleaning. It is enough to use the item correctly and prevent its contamination.

Teeth cleaning

Important rules for maintaining the item:

  1. Each member of the family should have their own toothbrush.
  2. For one procedure, squeeze about 1 cm of toothpaste from the tube.
  3. Rinse the brush thoroughly after use.
  4. Once a week immerse the instrument in a disinfecting soda solution. Do not use boiling water to sterilize - it spoils the material of the bristles, heads and handles.
  5. With frequent stomatitis, special sterilizers are recommended.
  6. Use protective covers or coasters, do not leave the item on the tile of the sink - it may contain harmful microorganisms.
  7. It is better to store brushes vertically, with bristles up.
  8. Make sure that the heads do not touch if they are all in the same glass.
  9. Be sure to use the travel case. The brush must be dry before being placed in it. In a humid environment, microbes are activated and multiply.

Do not forget about the need to use dental floss, rinse aid, firming gel and other devices to maintain the whiteness of the enamel and the freshness of the oral cavity. Use warm boiled water, as too cold or hot is harmful to the teeth, and tap water is not clean and eventually settles with calcium, magnesium, and others.

Frequent replacement of toothbrushes is not an advertising move or intimidation by dentists, but a really necessary part in personal care. In addition, the brush is not so expensive that for years to exploit it, bringing to a nightmarish look brush.Remember that even in a healthy person, microbes live in the mouth, and under certain circumstances, immunity may not cope with their development. Oral disease prevention begins with the proper maintenance of your toothbrush.

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