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Do I need to wash bulgur before cooking: how to cook cereals

Bulgur is not the most popular cereal on our table, but it has a lot of interesting things: from a delicate nutty taste to nutritional value and safety in case of diseases. Do bulgur need to be washed or soaked before cooking, like other cereals? Cooks give a negative answer to both questions, and there are reasons for this.

Do I need to wash bulgur before cooking: how to cook cereals

What is bulgur

Bulgur is pre-dried, crushed and scalded with boiling water premium wheat. Croup has a low glycemic index, it is rich in fiber, potassium, iron and magnesium. Outwardly, it resembles steamed rice. Pilaf, risotto, soups are often prepared from bulgur.

bulgur pilaf

There are three degrees of crushing of bulgur: from coarse and medium, which are used for first and second courses, to small, which is used to flavor pastries.

Wash, soak or fry?

Since bulgur was originally produced with heat treatment (scalded with boiling water), you can not rinse it. To obtain the most fragrant cereal, the grains are recommended not to be washed or soaked, but slightly fried in vegetable oil. This reveals their subtle nutty smell.

healthy groats bulgur

How to prepare bulgur for cooking according to the method of chefs:

  1. Grease the bottom of the pan with vegetable oil.
  2. Warm the grains for several minutes until a characteristic aroma appears.
  3. Pour in cold water and allow to cool.
  4. Boil the grits.

bulgur scalded with boiling water

For safety, it’s worthwhile to expose the grains to “water procedures” before cooking, especially if they were sold by weight. Together with the kernel in the bag can be not only dust and dirt, but also large debris. If bulgur is packaged in portioned bags for cooking, the cereal is clean.

Rinse the cereal in cold water until it becomes clear. After that, if there is time, dry the grains and heat them in a pan with oil.

groats bulgur

The magazine found out that soaking the bulgur is not required, since it already boils quickly. It will not be superfluous to hold the crushed grain in water for about half an hour to neutralize the effect of antinutrients in the composition.

Cooking cereals

For cooking, use a grain to water ratio of 1: 2. This applies to a slow cooker and a pan. The average cooking time is 10-15 minutes after boiling. For a slow cooker, use the buckwheat porridge mode. When adding to soups, keep in mind that bulgur is boiled about 2.5 times.

bulgur dish

By the way, if you cook with frying, you can do it in one container. Pour oil into the stewpan, heat and hold bulgur for 1.5-2 minutes, then pour boiling water and bring to readiness.

When the bulgur is ripe, do not rush to remove it from the dishes. Cover and let the porridge brew for 15 minutes. So it will be even tastier.

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