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How to choose an orthopedic pillow with a memory effect?

For each person, a sound full sleep is very important, which only high-quality bedding can provide. An orthopedic pillow with a memory effect is made of synthetic foam or latex, which react to weight and heat. She "remembers" the position of the body, as if adjusting to the owner. Due to the excellent orthopedic properties of this indispensable accessory for sleeping, the neck and head of a sleeping person take the correct position, the muscles relax, the body rests. Orthopedic pillows in shape and sensations are very different from feather or down, so it is difficult to quickly adapt to them. To choose a suitable product, one must take into account the weight of a person, age and anatomical features of the body.

Memory Foam Pillow

What is a “memory effect"?

Material with memory effect (Memory Foam) is a special type of polyurethane. A viscous elastic foam with a porous structure consists of numerous cells, the open shape of which allows compression. The transformation of the material occurs under the influence of body weight and heat emitted by it.

Memory Foam cells are compressed and the filler follows the shape of the body. The load is distributed pointwise - that is, where the pressure and temperature are higher, the material becomes softer. In places where there is no pressure, the filler remains solid. When a person turns over or rises, the pressure weakens, and the material holds its acquired shape for a few seconds, after which it returns to its original state.

Initially, materials with a memory effect were developed for the manufacture of clothes of astronauts. Today, high-tech polyurethane foam is successfully used in the production of orthopedic pillows and mattresses, furniture, sports shoes and in other areas of human life.

Girl sleeping on an orthopedic pillow

What is the use of a pillow "with memory"?

An orthopedic pillow with a memory effect allows the spine to take the only correct position when the body is completely relaxed and does not experience a response surface pressure. Blood vessels are not pinched, and the vertebrae are fully supplied with blood, which favorably affects the work of the brain and other major body systems.

While resting on a pillow “with memory”, blood circulation normalizes, which always positively affects the appearance of its owner. Awakened person will not detect swelling or blue stains under the eyes, it will look fresh and healthy.

Bedding with Memory Foam as a filler will relieve headaches and insomnia. They are indicated for people suffering from spondylarthrosis and spondylosis, cervical osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Doctors recommend using latex and polyurethane foam pillows during the rehabilitation period after neck injuries, as well as for the prevention of spinal problems.

Material Memory Foam

Advantages and disadvantages of pillows with Memory Foam

Orthopedic pillows with foam filling that remembers the shape of the body have many advantages over traditional bedding.

  • The anatomical structure of the body is exactly repeated, they are not squeezed or wrinkled, they support the head of a sleeping person in the correct position.
  • Memory Foam is an artificial material and is not capable of causing allergic reactions. In such products, a dust mite will never start, so they are perfect for people suffering from bronchial asthma.
  • Absolute noiselessness of the material.
  • Durability of products made of material with a memory effect. The service life of a quality orthopedic pillow is more than 5 years.
  • Polyurethane foam does not attract dust and small debris, does not accumulate odors.
  • Memory Foam synthetic-filled bedding will hardly have to be taken care of, as it cannot be washed. Extremely dry cleaning is acceptable for them, and all care comes down to washing the pillowcases.

Along with the advantages, orthopedic products “with memory” have some disadvantages.

  • Poor air circulation inside the filler leads to the fact that the product “does not breathe” and heats up, so it’s hot to sleep on such a pillow in summer. Many manufacturers cope with this problem by making ventilation holes in polyurethane foam or using a special gel that creates a cooling effect.
  • The new product exudes an unpleasant synthetic odor that completely disappears a few days after the start of use. This is due to residues of chemical gas compounds that appear during filler production. Since only environmentally friendly substances are allowed to make pillows, the smell is absolutely harmless, although it can cause a fast-passing headache in people with hypersensitivity.
  • The cost of sleeping accessories with Memory Foam is much higher than that of traditional products.
  • The stiffness of the pillow filled with memory foam is higher than usual. In addition, the sensations when using this bedding are very different from the usual. It is necessary to adapt to it, and only then will it be possible to evaluate its convenience and experience comfort.

If you do not pay attention to these minor defects, we can say that an orthopedic pillow with a memory effect is the best choice for a modern bedroom. The main thing is to choose the right size of the product and not make a mistake with the manufacturer.

Sleep on an orthopedic pillow

How to choose a pillow with Memory Foam?

When choosing an orthopedic pillow, it is necessary to take into account such individual parameters for each person as weight, height, shoulder width and even the most familiar posture for sleeping. The author of the site figured out how to choose the right sleeping accessories with a memory effect.

  • Height

The most important parameter to consider when choosing a product is height. It depends on the growth and complexion of a person and can be from 7 to 17 cm.


The wider the shoulders, the higher should be the pillow with a memory effect.

The size of the roller depends on the width of the shoulders. For people with wide shoulders, a longer roll is required. If a person likes to sleep on his side, then he is better to get a higher pillow than to relax on his back. So it will be easier to maintain the spine in one plane. For sleeping on your stomach, a low pillow with a height of not more than 7 cm is suitable.

  • The form

Modern manufacturers make rectangular and square, oval and round orthopedic pillows. The surface relief of these bedding can also be different. Typically, the product is equipped with two rollers that differ in height from each other. There are products with a recess for the neck, comfortably clasping the head, or with a recess for the shoulder. These are just additional details that provide comfort during sleep, as the pillow itself is made of material that envelops all the bends of the body.

  • Rigidity

All orthopedic pillows are divided according to the degree of rigidity into three types: hard, medium and soft. The first type is used for sleeping on its side, the second on the back, and the third should be bought for those people who prefer to rest face down on their stomach.

  • Filler

Pillows “with memory” can have synthetic or natural filling, however, classic orthopedic products are made of high-tech foam polyurethane. Modern technologies make it possible to produce foam not only from oil refinery waste, but also from castor oil or soy.Such natural fillers are twofold - provide the right support for the neck and head and heal the body as a whole.

Orthopedic pillowcase


The Memory Foam pillow is very easy to care for. It is enough to follow the simple rules of cleaning, and this bedding will serve faithfully for many years.

If the product is dirty, it must be cleaned with a sponge and soapy water. This will have to be done infrequently, since the porous filler is well ventilated, does not retain odors and does not collect dust, preserving freshness and purity for a long time.


It is strictly forbidden to wash a pillow made of polyurethane in the automatic mode, since it is possible to destroy the structure of the material and deprive the product of its useful properties.

You can only wash the pillowcase, and this should be done as it gets dirty, as with a regular pillow.

Today, orthopedic pillows “with memory” can be purchased at any bedding store or ordered online. The cost of products ranges from one to five thousand rubles. The right pillow is the key to a sound sleep and good mood for the whole day.

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