The king of fruits - mango: we understand how it is and how it is useful
If you regularly eat mangoes, your health benefits are guaranteed. The birthplace of fruits with bright yellow pulp is India. There, the mango tree is considered sacred, fulfilling wishes. Also, this country remains the largest producer of mango and supplies the most delicious varieties to world markets. We suggest finding out what benefits an exotic fruit will bring to the body.
How is mango good for the body?
Mango is a fruit rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements, amino acids, and fiber. It can be eaten both for general strengthening of the body, and for the prevention (treatment) of certain diseases.
Fruit composition
Mango can not be called a satisfying product, because there are almost no proteins and fats in it. 100 g of pulp contains about 13 g of simple carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed. Therefore, do not replace the fruit with a full breakfast or dinner.
The fruits have a rich vitamin and mineral composition. So, in 100 g of pulp (about half the fruit) contains 45.5% of the daily intake of vitamin C. This natural antioxidant strengthens the immune system, stops the oxidative processes in the cells, preventing premature aging and reducing the risk of cancer.
Beta carotene gives a bright color to the fruit. Its content in 100 g of mango is 0.64 mg, or 13% of the daily norm. In the body, part of this substance is converted into vitamin A. The latter is involved in the growth of new cells, positively affects the condition of the skin and hair, and vision.
For proper absorption of vitamin A, the body needs fats. Therefore, the fruit can be added to the vegetable salad, and olive oil is used for dressing.
Copper is present in large quantities in the pulp of mangoes. This microelement fights against free radicals, protecting the body from cancer, helps to absorb iron and vitamin C, and is involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
Also, exotic fruits are rich in such vitamins, macro- and microelements:
- B vitamins, especially B1, B2, B5, B6, B9;
- Vitamin E
- vitamin K;
- potassium;
- magnesium
- manganese.
Of the essential amino acids, leucine, lysine, valine and arginine are present. There are also dietary fibers that positively affect the digestion process, serve as the prevention of constipation and dysbiosis.
Healing properties
Mango should be included in your diet for the prevention and treatment of certain pathologies.
- Neurosis (irritability, apathy, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome).
Vitamins of group B and magnesium have a positive effect on the nervous system and brain, normalize hormonal levels and thereby prevent sudden mood swings. The bright aroma of fresh fruits and glucose quickly saturate the body with energy and give a feeling of joy.
In the homeland, mangoes are called the fruit of love. It is considered a natural aphrodisiac, that is, it helps partners relax, increases sensuality.
- Weak immunity.
If the immune system does not work at full strength, a person runs the risk of catching infectious and fungal sores - ARVI, flu, tonsillitis, conjunctivitis, thrush.
Mango helps to solve this problem, as it contains a whole complex of immunomodulators - vitamins A, C, E, bioflavonoids and amino acids. Also in the composition of ripe fruits there are substances that have antipyretic properties.
- Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Potassium and magnesium, which are present in mangoes, work in one team.They normalize heart rate and blood pressure, do not allow fluid to linger in the body. Positive effect on the work of muscles, including the heart.
- Painful periods.
For women, mangoes can be a real salvation from pain and lethargy during periods of heavy menstruation. The fruits contain a lot of folic acid (vitamin B9), which enhances the production of red blood cells. And copper reduces the risk of anemia.
- Digestion problems.
Fiber and other substances in mangoes (in particular potassium) have a mild laxative and diuretic effect. Vitamins and amino acids accelerate the metabolism.
Cosmetic properties
Mango extract is often added to creams and masks. The fruit contains unsaturated fatty acids:
- palmitic,
- linoleic
- peanut butter
- stearic.
They nourish, moisturize and soften the skin. The mango also contains a strong antioxidant magniferin, which slows down the aging process and reduces the effects of UV radiation. Tannins narrow pores, eliminate oily sheen, and help get rid of acne.
You do not have to buy expensive cosmetics at the store. There are simple recipes for using mangoes to preserve beauty and youth at home.
- Acne Toner
Peel the fruit, cut into cubes and boil for 10-15 minutes. Further, fruits can be eaten, and leave the broth to cool. Wipe your face in the morning and evening to prevent rashes and greasy shine.
- Moisturizing mask
A remedy for women suffering from dry and peeling facial skin. You will need mango and avocado (one each) and 2 tablespoons of honey. Peel the fruit, chop and mash it in mashed potatoes. Add honey and mix thoroughly. The mask should be applied once a week for 20 minutes. Remove from face with a cotton pad.
Slimming mango
Calories 100 g mango - 60–70 kcal. The product is low-calorie, recommended for those who are going to lose weight.
Why does fruit help get rid of extra pounds?
- Reduces cravings for sweets. Mango has a rich sweet-sour taste with tropical notes. From it you can make fresh juices, smoothies, light fruit salads and even diet ice cream. A variety of dishes discourages cravings for junk food.
- It speeds up the metabolism. Simple carbohydrates and fats are converted into energy, and do not go to replenish fat reserves.
- Contains amino acids involved in the breakdown of fats - arginine, leucine, lysine.
- B vitamins improve liver function, which is responsible for the proper processing of fats.
- Fiber removes lipoproteins, toxins from the body, and potassium - excess fluid.
Do not lose weight with a mono diet on mangoes. You will lose many kilograms in a week, but they will return at lightning speed. In addition, you will deprive the body of valuable proteins, which is bad for the figure: the muscles will become flabby. It is better to limit the calorie content of the diet a little (to 1200-1700 kcal, depending on the current type of food) and add mango to it.
Harm and contraindications
The main harm of mangoes is that it belongs to the category of strong allergens. The reason is the high content of various acids. The skin can cause irritation and a rash, so gloves are recommended to peel the fruit.
Do not eat more than 300 g (1 large or 2 small fruits) per day. Otherwise, you may encounter an overdose of vitamin C. Characteristic symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, headache, and skin rashes.
In addition to allergies, mango has the following contraindications:
- increased acidity of gastric juice, gastritis, ulcer;
- food intolerance to components;
- lactation period (until the child is 3-4 months old);
- age up to 3 years;
- diarrhea;
- diabetes.
With caution, the fruit should be consumed by those who have an increased tendency to flatulence. Due to the high content of fiber and sugars in fruits, such people may experience heaviness in the abdomen.
There is no ban on eating mango during pregnancy.On the contrary, vitamin E, beta-carotene and folic acid reduce the risk of intrauterine pathologies. Beneficial substances from the fruit through the placenta enter the baby's body. The main thing is not to abuse mangoes. One thing a day will be enough.
How to choose the most delicious fruit?
Sometimes people complain that the mango is too sour, knits for the tongue or gives away alcohol. This happens if you buy an unripe, overripe fruit in the store or make a mistake with the choice of variety.
Determine Freshness
The freshness of mango cannot be determined by color, since there are about 300 varieties of this fruit in the world. Take the fetus in your hands and try to catch what it smells like.
- Fresh mango has a light fruity smell.
- The complete absence of smell is a sign of ripeness.
- An acid-alcohol plume indicates that the fetus is overripe.
Inspect the peel. A good fruit has a smooth, glossy, no scratches, dents. Squeeze the mango in the palms. The fruit should be moderately firm and resilient.
A brief description of the best varieties
When buying mangoes at the supermarket, pay attention to the price tag or packaging. It often provides information about the country of origin, sometimes - about the variety.
What types of mangoes are the most delicious?
- Alfonso, India. You can buy it only in late spring - early summer. The fruits weigh 150-300 g, have an even oval shape and orange color with a red barrel. Hard to the touch. The pulp is golden, almost without fibers. Very juicy and literally melts in your mouth. Dear variety.
- Dasheri, India. It has an elongated oval shape and yellow-green color, it smells strongly. The fruit tastes sweet with a slight acidity and a honey trail.
- Kesar, India. Yellow mangoes are medium sized. Appearance nondescript: fruits have an irregular oval shape, dark spots. The pulp smells strongly, it tastes sweet and sour.
- Chausa, India or Pakistan. Outwardly, the fruits of the Kesar variety are mentioned, only larger ones. The pulp has few fibers. On the palate there are notes of honey and berries.
- Mahachanok, Thailand. Oblong light green mango with red spots and thick skin. The pulp is sweet and juicy, but the fibers are felt.
- Pimsin, Thailand. Mango looks immature - green, with pink or red spots. The shape is irregular oval. However, the taste is pleasant - moderately sweet, with notes of melon and pineapple.
How to eat mango and what to cook with it?
So you bought ripe fruit. It turns out that cleaning it from a dense skin with a knife is not so simple. Therefore, it is better to act like this:
- Make a longitudinal incision around the bone.
- Take the fruit in your hands and turn it crosswise.
- Discard a bone from one half.
Now the peel should be easy to remove. If it again fails, make incisions in the form of a lattice and, as it were, turn the half of the fruit inside out.
It is undesirable to eat mango on an empty stomach, since the flesh irritates the gastric mucosa. The best time for reception is from 10:00 to 15:00, for example for lunch or 30 minutes before lunch.
And what delicious dishes to cook with mangoes? Add a couple of slices to the pan when stewing the meat - the fibers will become soft, they will acquire a subtle sweetness. Mango is especially good with chicken. Also add fruit to salads, cottage cheese, eat in the bite with kefir or yogurt.
Try making a gentle dessert - mango-coconut mousse. You will need these ingredients:
- Mango - 2 pieces each 150-200 g;
- coconut - a quarter;
- coconut flakes - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- apple juice - 100 g;
- gelatin - 4 sheets;
- chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
- icing sugar - 50 g;
- mint leaf (for decoration).
Pour the sheets of gelatin for 5 minutes with juice, then heat in a pan until completely dissolved. Cut the pulp of mango and coconut into cubes. Put in a blender, pour in the juice and whisk.
Separate the whites from the yolks. Add icing sugar and whisk until fluffy froth appears. Pour the mixture into the mango and coconut puree and mix gently. Put the future mousse in a bowl and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. At the end, garnish a cold dessert with coconut and mint leaf.
No wonder mango is very popular in different countries of the world. It has an invigorating aroma, sweet and juicy pulp, a rich composition of vitamins. It is combined with salads, meat, a part of desserts. Not prohibited for losing weight. If you want to strengthen immunity, keep youthful and just cheer up, include mangoes in your diet.