How to brew rose hips: recipes for delicious medicinal drinks
If you know how to brew rose hips so that the drink retains a maximum of nutrients, the whole family will forget about winter and spring vitamin deficiency. This shrub grows throughout Russia, in the summer without any material costs you can stock it with bags. Advertising offers all kinds of drugs to strengthen the immune system - why do you need funds of an incomprehensible composition when medicinal fruits are found at every step? At the end of summer, tear yourself away from the TV and get ready for a walk in the forest. 2-3 such trips will help you not only provide your family with vitamins, but also give fruits to the procurers in order to recoup the tickets for the train or the cost of gasoline.
What are the benefits of rose hips?
Ask any person what nutrients are in the rose hips, and everyone will name ascorbic acid without hesitation. Vitamin C is 100 times less in apples; moreover, it is destroyed during winter storage. There is a lot of this component in citrus fruits, but no one knows how the producers and transporters fed the southern fruits for better storage. But the native wild rose can reliably supply us with a vital compound all year round.
Properly dried fruits retain all the beneficial ingredients. If, when brewing, supplement dried rosehip with other medicinal herbs and fruits, you can get natural medicines for many diseases. The benefits of red berries are recognized not only by folk, but also by official medicine.
When studying the composition of the rosehip pulp, in addition to ascorbic acid, it was found in it:
- B vitamins;
- vitamins PP and K;
- Vitamin A
- essential oils;
- organic acids;
- pectins;
- cellulose;
- tannins;
- trace elements.
A rosehip drink not only supplies the body with vitamins. Traditional medicine uses red fruits in the preparation of medicines for many diseases. When using the infusion, he immediately begins his healing activity:
- strengthens blood vessels and heart;
- reduces the intensity of bleeding;
- treats colds, flu, tonsillitis;
- normalizes the digestive and excretory system, reduces weight;
- beneficial effect on male reproductive organs;
- stabilizes the hormonal background.
How to brew a dog rose?
You can just cook the fruits in a saucepan, like compote. The drink will turn out delicious, but there will be little benefit from it. There are many other ways to prepare a healing broth. To preserve vitamins, it is better not to boil the fruits or let them boil quite a bit. In the old days they didn’t know the word “compote”, instead they cooked explosions.
- Here is one of the ancient recipes.
- Grind 10 fruits.
- Pour 2 cups of hot water.
- Bring to a boil, wait 3 minutes and remove from heat.
- Throw a handful of dry rosehip petals into the liquid.
- Let stand under the lid for a quarter of an hour and strain.
Try it, the drink will be very tasty and fragrant.
In order for the fruits to give the maximum amount of nutrients to the liquid, and the vitamins to be preserved, the rosehip should not be boiled, but languished in a water bath.
- It is even easier to prepare an infusion in a thermos.
- Rinse the flask with hot water inside.
- Pour in a tablespoon of dried fruit, pour 2 cups of boiled water at a temperature of 80⁰ C. Do not pour liquid under the neck, a small air gap should remain under the cork.
- After 8 hours, you can drain the infusion and add a new portion of water.
More than 2 times it is not necessary to brew the rosehip, the fruits have already given all the useful substances to the drink, in the third portion there will be neither taste nor benefit.
Rosehip can be brewed in a slow cooker
If there is no thermos at hand, but you want to cook a decoction right now, use the tricks of great-grandmothers. In the same way, you need to brew the fruits in a saucepan, wrap it well and leave to languish. The heat will be perfectly preserved if you put the container in the bed under the pillow.
If the fruits are chopped, they will brew faster and give more beneficial substances to the liquid. At the same time, do not forget that the villi from the inside of the fruits irritate the mucous membranes. Filter the drink carefully, fold the cheesecloth in several layers or take a denser cloth.
When fresh berries appear, you can prepare a drink from them too. Such an infusion is prepared much faster. Hold the dog rose with hot water in a thermos for about an hour - and you can filter.
Do not cook a large portion for several days. Vitamins in the broth are stored for 12 hours, then begin to break down. Calculate that in order to drink the entire volume per day, tomorrow you need to prepare the drink again.
Collect hearths before frost. Low temperatures destroy vitamins, there will be little benefit from such an infusion.
Healthy Drink Recipes
Rosehip is used for medicinal purposes both by itself and in combination with other plants. Ginger will add spice to the taste, and after consumption it will begin to break down fat cells. A great addition to weight loss diets: get rid of fat deposits right away and saturate your body with vitamins.
For medicinal purposes, you can prepare many drinks.
- To strengthen the immune system. Mash a tablespoon of dry rose hips, pour 2 cups of hot water and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain and add boiled water so that the volume of liquid is enough for 2 cups. Drink 2 weeks at 0.5 cups 2 times a day.
- Cholagogue and diuretic. Make an infusion in a thermos, drink 50 g before each meal.
- From a cold. When brewing rosehips, add dry viburnum or leaves and raspberries to it. If there is no temperature, drink a bit of honey. It is useful to drink in a warm form on a cup before bedtime.
- From insomnia and nervous tension. Take half a teaspoon of chopped rose hips and hawthorn, pour a glass of boiling water, cover and let it brew for 10 minutes. Strain and drink the entire portion before bedtime.
- For heart problems. A handful of dry rose hips mixed with 2 tbsp. l berries of hawthorn. Pour 2 liters of boiling water for 8 hours. Strain and drink a cup a day, adding honey or lemon juice to taste.
For lovers of sugary drinks, it is better to gradually accustom yourself to use medicinal infusions in their natural form, not to sweeten them. If you can’t drink unsweetened infusion, do not put sugar in the preparation, add it directly to the glass. Better yet, sweeten the liquid with honey. To improve the taste, you can brew rose hips with raisins, dried apricots, dried raspberries or other sweet fruits. Try to gradually squeeze sugar out of your menu with natural sweeteners, this will benefit both the figure and health.
How to drink a decoction?
To get the necessary daily dose of vitamin C, one cup of broth per day is enough. You can drink it at a time or divide it into several receptions. Nothing terrible will happen if a healthy adult exceeds this norm a little, but it is not recommended to completely replace tea, juices and water with infusion. Watch the children especially carefully.
For infants, give infusion only after consulting with a pediatrician. Pupils up to 12 years old will have enough doses of 0.5 cup per day.
In the morning, add a little lemon juice to the infusion, and it will cheer you up. In the evening, it is better to drink a warm drink with honey for a good sleep. If there is no time to prepare the infusion, throw 5 rosehip berries per cup in a teapot with black or green tea.After about 5 minutes, vitamin tea will be ready.
If you like variety, you can cook a rosehip broth with a new taste at least every day. When brewing, add any of the following plants to the thermos:
- cloves;
- cinnamon
- hawthorn;
- chokeberry;
- anise;
- ginger;
- berries and leaves of black currant.
You have chosen a regimen, drank several courses, the time comes for the next stage of treatment with rose hips, but suddenly you realize that you can’t just look at it, you can’t look at it. Why did this happen if only 2 weeks ago cups a day seemed even small? Do not be surprised, but rejoice for your instincts. Nature has created all living things so that both humans and animals will gladly eat what is now needed and refuse products whose components the body is already oversaturated with. Unfortunately, civilization, diets and official medicine have destroyed this ability in many people, they don’t feel which foods will be useful now, and which ones are better to refrain from. If you don’t want to, then you don’t need to drink rose hips yet. When a deficiency of vitamin C occurs, the hands themselves will reach for a bag of healing fruits.
Use with caution
If you are completely healthy, it may be tempting to replace all the other drinks with the rosehip infusion, and use it every time you feel thirsty. Given that, according to medical recommendations, a person should drink about 2 liters of fluid per day, the fulfillment of such a desire can lead to bad consequences. Ascorbic acid is useful in reasonable doses. If you slightly exceed the norm, nothing bad will happen, the excess vitamin will simply not be absorbed and will come out through the excretory system. When the dosage is exceeded many times, allergies and other health problems occur.
With increased acidity or heartburn, you need to use acidic drinks with great care, it is better to quench your thirst with ordinary water. Ascorbic acid promotes blood clots.
With hypertension, heart disease, increased blood coagulation, gallstone disease, it is advisable to consult a doctor before treatment with a rosehip decoction.
Make a broth of low concentration, drink it a week for a cup a day, then take a break for about half a month. Mucous membranes can also suffer from sharp hairs contained within the fetus. To make the broth safe to drink, it is better to brew the berries whole or to filter the liquid very carefully.
In summer, if you eat a lot of fruits and berries, the body has enough vitamins and does not want to drink the infusion, you can take a longer break. In 2-3 months, the body will rest, adaptation to ascorbic acid obtained from rosehip will take place. In the autumn you will pick up fresh fruits, brew and enjoy a delicious decoction with pleasure. This course will help the immune system to get stronger before the cold season - both winter frost and the flu epidemic will not be scary.
Rosehip, like other medicinal plants, can be bought at the pharmacy. If you really do not want to collect fruits from prickly branches, get it at reliable points. At a market or pharmacy owned by an obscure company, you can buy berries collected along the tracks, near chemical plants or nuclear waste repositories. In such places, the fruits not only accumulate useful components, but also absorb harmful compounds. Better not take risks, buy medicinal plants where quality is monitored very carefully. And still go to the forest for a walk in the forest, fresh air strengthens your health no worse than vitamin drinks.