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The second life of unnecessary things: life hacks for creative people and not only

It's time to say stop uncontrolled consumption! Stop buying: old unnecessary things are unworthy of the bin, give them a second life.

unnecessary old things

Mopping trend

The art of getting rid of unnecessary things is precisely in this vein that practice is perceived by adherents of minimalism. A person needs to determine what exactly he needs for comfort, and what clogs up space. Many come to the conclusion that most purchases are made impulsively, and that much less is easy to do. And if you connect imagination, then the used things easily find a second life and again become useful.

unnecessary trash from home

Getting rid of the unnecessary and recycling old things into interesting crafts brings noticeable relief. The house becomes more comfortable and cleaner, and leisure finds creative fulfillment.

Where to give plastic, batteries, things

The use of plastic objects knows no bounds. Plastic is everywhere: from drinking water bottles to egg containers. To refuse such basic things is practically unrealistic. If you care about the ecology of the planet, which is very cool, then try to sort the waste yourself. In our country, this trend is gaining momentum. Plastic can be returned at designated collection points. Some companies are ready to buy plastic of various types.

old things

Batteries pose no less danger to the environment. If stored at home, they may explode. In nature, an object decomposes for hundreds of years, poisoning the soil and water. Battery collection points are ubiquitous. In Moscow, in many stores, for example, VkusVill, you will find special boxes for collection.

Unnecessary children's toys, old clothes are not so scary to throw out, but many housewives feel sorry for things that were once valuable. For clothes of decent quality, the best option is second-hand. In groups of social networks, something can be given away for free or sold for a nominal amount. Sale is carried out through the applications and sites "Avito", "Yula". You will be surprised how many people want to buy a cheap second-hand stroller, clothes, toys, household appliances and even furniture.

What to make of unnecessary things: life hacks

Old things can serve as the basis for unexpected landscaping decisions. Why buy various organizers? Try to build a unique thing with your own hands. For example, make a box for sewing accessories from a beautiful package of chocolates.

Sewing Organizer

Not always in the house sockets are located conveniently. When charging the phone, the wire does not reach the surfaces, and you have to substitute chairs or use extension cords. A ridiculously simple idea for placing the phone while charging:

  1. For an old shower gel bottle, cut off the cap and front. There should be a "pot" and the back wall. A round hole of such a size is made on it that the charger easily passes.
  2. When charging, such a container is suspended on the power supply, as it were, and the phone with the wire is placed in the stand.

A couple of ideas for the kitchen:

  1. Leave one small plastic bottle. When you need to quickly separate the yolk from the protein, break the egg into a bowl, then bring the squeezed bottle with the neck to the yolk, release it. The yolk is sucked in, and the protein remains in the bowl.
  2. Fit another bottle for frying fritters. Pour the dough and squeeze it portionwise - very convenient, the baking is neat and the same.

The shoe organizer is easy to make from old wine boxes.Long cardboard packaging is simply glued together, for beauty we are glued with wrapping or decorative adhesive paper. Now slippers and sneakers do not roll around the house, but are in one place and occupy a minimum of space.

Shoe organizer magazine found an elegant solution for using old cans. Prepare acrylic or stained glass paints and make your own design vase for dry or fresh flowers. Use stencils for accuracy. Garnish the neck with a satin ribbon, twine or jute rope.

A bunch of old T-shirts do not have to go to the country. Make an intricate rug out of them. This craft will appeal to even beginner craftswomen, you won’t even need a hook, just threads, a needle, glue, old T-shirts and a towel.

intricate rug made of unnecessary shirts


  1. An unnecessary terry towel will be the basis, t-shirts will be yarn. Cut clothes into strips with a thickness of 1.5 to 3 cm.
  2. Weave a tight braid from pieces. Feel free to combine several different t-shirts - it looks interesting.
  3. Fix the pigtail in the center of the base with glue or sew with thread.
  4. Wrap the growing braid in a circle, fix the stripes on the base and between each other.
  5. At the end, gently cut the edge of the towel in a circle. You need to make the mat neat: for this you will need another long piece of fabric. Wrap it over the edge and sew it by hand or make a machine stitch. Place the last turn of the braid on top.
  6. Place such a rug in the hallway or nursery.

Recycling old property is not just a budget savings, but also an interesting way to spend a day off. Creative approach is one of the important conditions for the secondary use of objects. If you don’t like the old box, jar or t-shirt, then it’s better to throw it away than look at the craft and experience negative emotions.

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  1. Angelina
    03/26/2024 at 17:59 Reply

    often like this you find with great difficulty a solution to the problem - what and where to do, what to make. Then you work on the implementation. And everything seems to be wonderful. But, having thought, you still carry where you intended from the very beginning - to a garbage dump.

  2. Tatyana
    04/05/2024 at 14:06 Reply

    Old t-shirts can be sewn pillowcases to the cottage, also nice aprons, gloves, and light t-shirts can be turned into nighties, lengthening them

    • Yuliya
      04/28/2024 at 13:50

      A lot of things can be done from knitwear: sew a simple blanket (we sew the rectangles, inside the synthetic winterizer 1 or 2 layers, we sew around the perimeter with a typewriter or long seams, and several stitches along the blanket), sew a hare for the child (you can draw a muzzy, draw a muzzle with felt-tip pens, filling their old washed dishwashing sponges). handkerchiefs and all kinds of "rubbish" for children, of course, you can cut the strips, and then use a large crochet to knit the rug, well, it’s painfully “beggarly” to succeed, - except maybe in front of the door. Grips are also good: we lay a square with cotton, sew it up, and sew it with a cage or rhombs, - the eternal will be a grip, and it is washed off with white linen well. Well, for designers, forward, there is a lot to do: and glue the future vase or flower pot, or just a storage box, with multi-colored stripes, you can use a mosaic and a picture if you have nowhere to go ...)))

  3. Valentine
    06/15/2024 at 18:10 Reply

    Yes, no matter where to attach it. I myself am engaged in various needlework. Sometimes it’s just masterpieces. Friends that I like, give away. The main thing is that the mind and hands work. You look in the net idea, and then you come up with it yourself. While you do, the idea changes eight times. And it turns out .... Girls, occupy the mind and hands.It is good for the brain.


