How to make a pop of soda and vinegar

Pop is a carbonated drink that can be quickly and easily prepared at home by adding baking soda and citric or acetic acid to the water. There are many ways to make pops of soda and vinegar, but each of them is based on the reaction of carbon dioxide evolution resulting from quenching of alkali with acid. An unusual and tasty drink can be used not only as a refreshing lemonade, but also as a medicine.

Soda and vinegar pop

The benefits and harms of pop

The benefit of an effervescent drink is due to the beneficial effect of the ingredients used to prepare it on the human body.

  • Sodium bicarbonate contributes to the rapid breakdown of fats, so pop is useful for those who want to lose weight.
  • Thanks to beta-carotene and enzymes that are part of acetic acid, the drink has a positive effect on the digestion process.
  • Potassium, contained in vinegar, helps to remove fluid from the body.
  • Acetic acid is useful for arthritis and headaches. This substance is able to reduce pressure, therefore it is useful for hypertension.
  • With the help of baking soda, the acid-alkaline environment is normalized in the stomach, so the pop can be used as an instant medicine for heartburn.

Despite its beneficial properties and pleasant taste, one should not get carried away with this drink, and for some people it is completely contraindicated.

For what diseases it is better to refuse soda, the author of the site figured out.

  • Disorders in the digestive tract, peptic ulcer, gastritis, high acidity. The combination of alkali and acid creates an aggressive environment that adversely affects the gastric mucosa.
  • Frequent drinking of an effervescent drink is unacceptable to hypertensive patients and people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Scientists have proven that soda can cause pressure drops and vasospasm. This is due to the increased volume of sodium that accumulates in the digestive organs and enters the bloodstream, which adversely affects the heart and blood vessels. As a result, the walls of the capillaries become less elastic.
  • Constant unregulated consumption of soda threatens diarrhea and the formation of gases. Possible alkalization of blood, leading to a decrease in appetite, pain in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting.
  • Tea soda in large doses is also harmful to the nervous system. Pops can cause headaches, increased nervousness, and cramps.

An effervescent drink is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Homemade lemonade

Pop soda and citric acid

Usually a soft carbonated drink is made from soda and acetic acid, but a pop of citric acid and soda is considered to be much tastier. To prepare such a lemonade, the following ingredients will be required:

  • tea soda - 1.5 tsp;
  • citric acid - 3 tsp;
  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • dry dishes for storing the resulting mixture;
  • mixing bowl.

The method of obtaining a mixture for pop is very simple. Soda and acid are poured into a dry container in the quantities indicated in the recipe. The contents of the dishes are ground with a wooden pestle until a homogeneous powder is obtained and powdered sugar is added. Once again, thoroughly mix all the components and pour into a dry clean jar, where the blank for pop will be stored.


Store the mixture for the preparation of pops only in a completely dry, closed container and not more than 1 month. In order not to forget the date of manufacture of the mixture, you can stick a label with the corresponding inscription on the jar.

Now dry pop will always be at hand, and as soon as you want delicious lemonade, it will be enough to look into the treasured jar and pour a little powder. Dry concentrate can be mixed with water, juice, fruit drink. For 200 g of liquid, usually take 1 tbsp. l powder. The mixture is poured into a glass of liquid and mixed with quick movements with a spoon. Combining with water, the mixture causes a rapid release of carbon dioxide, the drink hisses and foams.

Vinegar, Soda and Lemon

Effervescent drink from soda and vinegar

An effervescent soda and vinegar drink cannot be prepared in advance and stored for a long time. It must be drunk immediately after preparation.

For one glass of liquid, take half a teaspoon of malic acetic acid and the same amount of sodium bicarbonate. These components are mixed with water, fruit drink or compote. A chemical reaction occurs, which releases carbon dioxide. The pop will be tastier if you add a little honey at the end of the stir.

Since the combination of the two chemicals involved in creating soda is not always beneficial for the stomach, it is better to drink after a meal.

Heartburn Soda

Heartburn Soda

Each person at least once in his life had to experience an unpleasant feeling of heartburn. This pathological condition causes the irritating effect of gastric juice on the mucous membrane of the esophagus, accompanied by burning in the epigastric region.

The causes of heartburn can be various gastrointestinal diseases. If a person is healthy, then heartburn may occur as a result of the following deviations:

  • taking certain medications, such as acetylsalicylic acid;
  • binge eating;
  • spicy and fatty foods;
  • alcohol abuse.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes with which you can reduce the level of acidity, eliminate unpleasant burning sensations and protect the esophagus from irritation. The easiest and most affordable way to alleviate the condition of a patient with heartburn is to take an effervescent drink.

There are several ways to prepare a healing product.

  1. In a glass with boiled water, add 1/2 tsp. soda and natural vinegar. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, it must be drunk in small portions.
  2. In chilled boiled water, throw a few crystals of citric acid and half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate. You need to drink a drink immediately after preparation.
  3. Take 100 ml of water and half a teaspoon of soda and citric acid. Stir and drink quickly.


It is necessary to take pops from heartburn very carefully, no more than one glass and no more than once a day. Frequent occurrence of heartburn indicates the development of a disease of the digestive system, which requires immediate medical attention.

The best remedy for heartburn will be a drink based on mineral water. Especially good for these purposes are such types of mineral water as Essentuki and Borjomi. Doctors advise choosing mineral water in a glass container, and not in plastic. Before preparing a therapeutic drink, it is better to warm up the water a little.

It must be remembered that an effervescent drink does not cure the disease itself, but only reduces the symptoms of the disease. If the root cause of heartburn is not eliminated, pop can cause new, stronger attacks of increased acidity of gastric juice.

Slimming pop

Slimming pop

An effervescent drink of tea soda and lemon juice or vinegar can be used as an inexpensive and effective means for losing weight. Experts say that when you use this delicious lemonade, fat dissolves quickly during digestion, which prevents them from accumulating in problem areas. However, under the influence of the substances that make up the soft drink, toxins and toxins are better removed from the body, contributing to a deep cleansing of the skin.

To get a pop for weight loss, you need to mix cool boiled water in an amount of 200 ml with half a teaspoon of soda and the same portion of freshly squeezed lemon juice.Use such a tool for weight loss should be once a day after meals and no longer than two weeks.

So, almost every person is useful to know how to make a pop of soda and vinegar or citric acid. For some, the drink will be a medicinal potion, for someone, it’s just a pleasant refreshing lemonade.

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leave a comment
  1. Ragim
    10/26/2024 at 12:57 Reply

    I like it

  2. Henkok
    06/24/2024 at 14:15 Reply

    I brew any tea with soda and citric acid with boiling water and drink it without sugar, I really like it, first a little boiling water in the teapot, then as soon as the reaction subsides, add to full, and then as usual I drink with water.


