How can I remove a greasy stain from a paper surface using improvised means?
Among the whole variety of life situations, one often has to think about solving the most incredible tasks. For example, after children’s games or a hearty lunch, next to working documents, the question may arise how to remove a greasy stain from the paper and whether this is possible in principle. As practice shows, even such a problem can be solved if we approach it wisely. If desired, it is possible to remove even persistent perennial stains that often occur on the wallpaper, without resorting to cosmetic repairs in the process.
Rules for working with paper products when removing stains
Before you begin to influence the pollution that hit the paper surface, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of important points, otherwise the risk of damage to the product increases:
- If you need to clean the wallpaper, do not immediately resort to folk techniques, they can do harm. First you need to consult with the manufacturer of the products or at least evaluate their texture. With some wallpapers, fat is easily and simply erased with an ordinary eraser, and any chemical compound can only enhance the severity of formation.
- Paper belongs to a group of very fragile objects, so the mechanical effect on it must be minimized. When trying to get rid of fat, it is better to rely on physical and chemical methods.
- When working with paper, you should not rely on funds designed for working with fabric, this is fraught with damage to the surface.
- Paper may also be different. Newspapers and photographs react differently to the same effect, so it is recommended that you first try the chosen method on an unnecessary analogue of a damaged product.
If you need to restore an expensive or delicate thing, you should not risk it, it is better to immediately contact professionals who will assess the degree of pollution and quickly fix the problem. Depending on the type of affected surface, these may be specialists from dry cleaning, a darkroom, a printing house.
Chemical effects on greasy traces covering a paper surface
The most effective options for exposure to oily spots are considered approaches involving the use of chemical reagents. At home, it can be the following substances:
White clay powder
- White clay. We take the white clay powder and dilute it with cool boiled water in equal proportions. The resulting homogeneous mass is applied with a thin layer on the problem area and left until completely dry. Then we erase the formed crust with a soft sponge. Lay the sheet with paper towels and leave to dry. If the stain cannot be completely removed, you can repeat the procedure.
- Salt. The contaminated area can be sprinkled with fine table salt, covered with a paper towel and well pressed down with something heavy. The fat will transfer to crystals and fix on paper.
- Starch. We raise a spoonful of corn or potato starch in a glass of water. The resulting solution is carefully applied to the stain using a sponge or cotton pad. Leave the area to dry and then gently clean the mixture with a soft, lint-free cloth.
- Petrol. We spread the contaminated sheet on a paper towel, take a sponge, moisten it with gasoline and gently blot the stain. Take another paper towel, cover the sheet and get wet in the area of fatty formation. Towels are changed several times.
Careless use of these methods can irreparably ruin the material, so you need to be extremely careful not to exceed standard dosages and not neglecting the rules.
How to eliminate fatty stains using physical methods?
To influence delicate and thin surfaces, it is better to use preparations that imply physical cleaning. While the risk of product damage is much lower, these approaches are notable for their pronounced effectiveness:
- Iron. We spread the soiled sheet on a flat dense surface, cover it with a clean paper towel or blotter and begin to iron the affected area with a slightly warm iron. As fat passes to the napkin, change it to a new one or turn it in a clean area.
Tip: This method is effective, but very insidious. If you slightly overexpose the iron or do not replace the tissue in time, the fat will return to the paper again, but this time it will fix and remove it will be problematic. For the ink-covered area, this is also not the best option, as in the process of exposure, printing of the font on the auxiliary surface is possible.
- A piece of chalk. The effectiveness of the previous approach can be improved if a little crushed chalk is poured onto the spot before ironing. As the fat passes, you need to update the chalk layer and napkin.
- Chalk and bread. A longer, but absolutely safe approach. Grind the chalk to a powder state, apply the substance to the stain in a dense layer. We remove the sheet in a safe place without drafts for three days. After this time, take a little crumb of fresh white bread and peel off the resulting crust.
- Bread. Take a little crumb of black bread and, without grinding it, apply it to the stain with force. We remove the crumbs saturated with fat and exchange them for new ones. We act until the spot is completely removed.
The proposed methods can contribute to cleansing the paper surface even from old salted spots. But you do not need to use all the methods at once. It is better to start with the most gentle, if necessary, moving to more aggressive ones.