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Why put a foil ball in the washing machine?

What is the need to add a foil ball to the washing machine? This simple way was discovered by the hostesses even before the appearance of unique industrial laundry products and advanced models of household appliances. Cleanliness, softness and the absence of static electricity - this is what ordinary foil gives things.

foil balls

Why do I need a foil ball

Even the new model of the washing machine does not guarantee a stable quality of washing. Mistresses solve problems with the help of additional means: powders, conditioners, etc. However, the remnants of pollution and static electricity do not disappear from life. This is where folk wisdom comes to the rescue: just roll a ball from foil and send it with things to the drum.

Machine washable with foil ball

Balls have several purposes:

  1. They give an additional mechanical effect on washable things. This provides the best result without extra washing.
  2. They reduce the consumption of powder and fabric softener. And the budget is saved, and the washing machine is easier.
  3. Things will be not only cleaner, but also softer.
  4. After rinsing, no stains remain on the tissues.
  5. The foil negates the accumulation of static electricity on clothing. This is because the aluminum of which the sheet is made has the ability to remove static. The problem of electrification is familiar to many: sparks can appear from one movement. If the rim of the drum of the washing machine does not cope with the task, help him with foil. If it doesn’t work out, the quality of washing will still be noticeably higher.

On a note
Contrary to fears, the foil ball will not catch, scratch neither things in the drum, nor the device itself. recommends buying clothes made from fabrics that are not prone to static electricity. This is especially true for bedding.

foil ball in hand

What else is good foil? A roll is inexpensive. Mistresses often buy it for baking or storing food, so it can be found in any household - you can test the method today. A ball rolled up from foil will serve for washing 2-3, and sometimes 6 months. It is very economical.

How to wash

Roll 2-3 balls the size of a walnut and just send it to the drum along with your clothes. They must be tight, do not spare the strength to form.

foil balls in a washing machine

There is no danger for washing terry towels and other dense products: the foil does not deform matter. If there is fear for delicate silk and lace items or for the ball starting to sprinkle with aluminum pieces, then hide it in a protective net.

For washing down jackets, tennis balls are often recommended. A foil ball of the appropriate size is a worthy alternative with advanced features.

Replace the ball with a new one rarely. As soon as the old ones shrink and begin to lose density, take out a new sheet of foil.

foil ball

A foil ball is a budget option to improve the quality of the wash. Why buy powders with a “unique composition”, antistatic conditioners and other additives? Decent washing quality and reduced static is possible for a ridiculous amount. A foil roll is within 100 rudders. From it you can roll the balls for several years ahead. Now calculate the cost of industrial products for clothing.

If the foil still raises questions, pay attention to the special rubber embossed balls for washing.

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  1. Alex
    04/06/2024 at 16:14 Reply

    the ball will fall apart quickly and the drain filter will become clogged

    • Anatoly
      04/09/2024 at 15:05

      before you write that it’s falling apart, you first try, and then put the sticks in the wheels. You can’t pry off this ball with a knife, what can I say, you won’t even find the edge. It is so tightly crumpled that it’s hard to believe that this is the case " hands »cars

    • Elvira
      04/24/2024 at 03:58

      I totally agree.

    • trianda
      04/25/2024 at 13:30

      KAPETS - why come up with something when special hard balls with spikes for washing machines are sold

  2. Maria
    04/06/2024 at 21:45 Reply

    This is such nonsense I have never done and never will. What is the statics of natural fabrics? And then the static is removed by washing.

    • Michael
      04/11/2024 at 01:58

      What is the static when washing? You have written correctly. In addition, all washing machines have a three-pin plug, which even when washing synthetics eliminates the accumulation of static electricity.

    • IN
      04/29/2024 at 00:38

      And the wool is not electrified?

  3. Angelina
    04/07/2024 at 18:50 Reply

    began to use foil balls long ago. Fine! Nothing is clogged-crumpled heavily, they turn into polished balls. long enough to replace. Just try it and see for yourself.

    • Guy
      04/09/2024 at 10:20

      Yes right

    • Irina
      04/09/2024 at 12:09

      The whole ball is falling apart, and you have enough for a long time, LIES !!!!!!

    • moidodyr
      04/10/2024 at 10:55

      you dolls besides balls put something in the washer

    • Someone
      04/26/2024 at 23:46


  4. Konstantin
    04/08/2024 at 04:35 Reply

    And if you throw a metal washcloth it will be even better to wash, and things and a drum (it is plastic by the way) will be destroyed even faster. The previous speaker wrote about the clogged filter.

    • Gosh
      04/08/2024 at 11:41

      Kostya, have you ever seen a drum in a washer? And do you know its difference from the tank?

    • I
      05/03/2024 at 08:33

      where you bought a car on aliexpress with a plastic drum.

  5. Dmitry
    04/08/2024 at 16:03 Reply

    Save 5 grams of powder and spend a sheet of foil, which also costs money)

  6. Sergey
    04/08/2024 at 20:51 Reply

    Static in the washing machine? Three ha ha !!!

  7. Dmitry
    04/08/2024 at 22:35 Reply

    What is static electricity in water ?! The author is raving.

    • BV
      04/24/2024 at 17:17

      I also read and I can’t understand how static can form in water. Dirty water is a good conductor.

  8. Vania
    04/09/2024 at 08:27 Reply

    Ugh, and what nonsense they’ll come up with!
    Balls from bearings can completely displace detergents! Microbes will die between the colliding balls!
    Such balls will generally not wear out
    True more often have to change the machine!

    • Maria
      04/09/2024 at 19:48

      100% agree. Useless nonsense is written.

    • Irina
      04/18/2024 at 07:25

      Oh. Madhouse, pour gravel even, by the way, foil is also not a cheap pleasure, and it is crumbling, oh, there aren’t even words that just got to write!

    • Cat
      04/26/2024 at 20:34


    • Michael
      05/02/2024 at 15:02

      More cement and sand, and for construction

  9. Tatyana. 04/09/2019
    04/09/2024 at 18:06 Reply

    And there’s no bullshit! I read and did it. There was a stain on the kitchen towel, after washing with balls of foil it was gone. I didn’t really believe that either. But there is a result! The ball for several washings became dense and round, like a ball.

    • Dmitry Krot
      04/11/2024 at 09:43

      Have you ever held aluminum in your hands? Didn’t notice that black traces remain after him?
      Of course, after a couple of washings this “effect” may pass, but nevertheless, the precipitate from this remains.

    • Serpov P.Ya.
      04/15/2024 at 09:00

      Have you tried to lay a brick? It’s just a miracle how it helps with washing!

    • BV
      04/24/2024 at 17:25

      Yes, yes, brick is an excellent cleaner. Checked by the Russian army!

  10. Maria
    04/09/2024 at 19:57 Reply

    I confirm! Ball of foil to improve the wash .. it's nonsense !! Author, have you tried this yourself? Because of such articles, people spend their time on useless experiments.

    • Love
      04/10/2024 at 16:23

      Right And in addition they ruin the equipment.

  11. Helen
    04/10/2024 at 19:00 Reply

    Amway has a special powder jar.She also helps wash. You can throw ordinary plastic jars of vitamins and other into the tank, let them hang out ...

    • Sergey
      04/27/2024 at 08:11

      and from kinder surprise

  12. Love
    04/11/2024 at 04:40 Reply

    What laundry detergents and antistatic agents I didn’t buy, synthetics were still electrified (for example, curtains). I decided to try it on them. The result surprised me, while ironing the curtains did not “shoot”. Hang from the New Year, until the "electricity" appeared in them. Now I wash only with foil, I have been using it for four months now. the quality of washing always suited me before, but with balls balls are wrinkled less and it is easier to iron. Try it, you won’t lose anything!

    • Ivan
      04/22/2024 at 12:35

      No need to spread nonsense.

  13. Dmitry Krot
    04/11/2024 at 09:46 Reply

    They give an additional mechanical effect on washable things. This provides the best result without extra washing.
    The only adequate advice. For this, it is advised to throw tennis balls.

    They reduce the consumption of powder and fabric softener. And the budget is saved, and the washing machine is easier.
    Due to what? What things fit in the washer less?

    Things will be not only cleaner, but also softer.
    Due to what? How are they tough? Can normal powder fall asleep yet? or add air conditioning?

    After rinsing, no stains remain on the tissues.
    Just as without them?

    The foil negates the accumulation of static electricity on clothing. This is because the aluminum of which the sheet is made has the ability to remove static. The problem of electrification is familiar to many: sparks can appear from one movement. If the rim of the drum of the washing machine does not cope with the task, help him with foil. If it doesn’t work out, the quality of washing will still be noticeably higher.
    For those who skipped physics - statics - is CARRYING in charge, where will it go from the foil then? Can all the same machine to ground?
    About the static when washing - I’m generally silent - has anyone ever seen static on wet clothes? NONE? But still play it safe - put the balls of foil and EXACTLY will not!

  14. Guinea
    04/11/2024 at 12:40 Reply

    Yes, Anatoly is right - I have these balls for 2 years and they are so dense that you can kill them

  15. Ruslan
    04/12/2024 at 07:12 Reply

    I don’t know how anyone, but after reading this nonsense, I advised my wife to put the balls of foil ... And now I have one desire, to find and "thank" for this clever man! And you know, sooner or later I will find you! This is an order from washing machine repairmen! Do not be fooled by any nonsense!

    • Irina
      04/18/2024 at 07:00

      Yes you are right ! They would also put bricks ... ha ha ha ancestors damn it.

  16. Eugene
    04/12/2024 at 09:40 Reply

    Another nonsense and believe in it, do not carry crap! They do not whip anything!

  17. RIMMA
    04/12/2024 at 15:38 Reply

    12.04 19 READ, LAUGHTER, RELAXED ........

  18. Alexander
    04/14/2024 at 15:24 Reply

    Do not try to use this, the ball will certainly peel and clog the water pump.

  19. a guest
    04/15/2024 at 02:23 Reply

    The article is complete nonsense. Never throw these balls. I myself have been using cast iron weights of 8 kg for many years for every wash, and the effect is amazing. Firstly, the powder is almost unnecessary because the weight perfectly knocks out all the dirt with its mass; secondly, the balancing of the washing drum improves, which significantly extends the life of the washing machine; thirdly, the water consumption is significantly reduced (up to 70 percent) and plus the minimum energy saving by half (due to the large mass of the weight the drum rotates much longer without using the main motor) So do not get fooled by this aluminum divorce with balls.

    • Serpov P.Ya.
      04/15/2024 at 09:20

      Kettlebell is a thing. The ball is sucks.

    • Elena
      04/17/2024 at 17:29

      Well you can’t write like that 🙂
      people really believe

    • Horse Head
      04/18/2024 at 17:14

      I tried a weight! Remarkably everything was removed without powder! The color of things has become more saturated, even brighter than new ones! Thank you, kind man, for your advice!

    • Olga
      04/22/2024 at 00:00

      Thanks for the humor, ingenious !!!!! Laughing with the whole family, and laughter makes life through🤩

    • Denis
      04/24/2024 at 16:03

      I tried a kettlebell, garbage - socks did not come off. Threw a brick - the result was stunned !!! All linen as new, as well as a new washing machine, neighbors, apartment, city.

    • Anna
      04/24/2024 at 19:05

      Super laughed to tears.

    • Kuzma
      04/25/2024 at 11:18

      Why is the article complete nonsense? In vain are you this. A neighbor read this article, took a polypropylene bag, threw dirty laundry into it, threw a pair of dried dog katyakhs on top, tied it up and began kicking in the yard. After 5-10 minutes I checked and found all the things are absolutely clean and fresh, I did not have to dry the dase. That's what you need to advertise on our TV channels, and not any already pretty annoying nonsense.

    • Plunger
      04/29/2024 at 16:36

      Awesome advice with kettlebell. I didn’t even load the laundry, but it was removed, xs for magic dude, but it works

    • Lana
      06/02/2024 at 10:54

      Very funny respect

  20. Margarita
    04/17/2024 at 13:55 Reply

    My ball didn’t fall apart, but my underwear was torn ... Bad advice!

  21. Margarita
    04/17/2024 at 13:25 Reply

    I don’t understand, is the drum spinning with a weight?

    • Sasha
      04/18/2024 at 23:22

      P. Ya. Why are you so ... After all, he will check the weight in the washing machine.

  22. Dmitry
    04/18/2024 at 11:20 Reply

    Balls suck! Give a weight!

  23. Sasha
    04/18/2024 at 23:53 Reply

    Yes ... women do not understand men's jokes. P. Ya. Why are you so ... After all, check, put the weight in the washer.

  24. Svetlana
    04/19/2024 at 21:20 Reply

    I tried, didn’t notice anything super-duper, but the ball didn’t fall apart

    • serge
      04/26/2024 at 19:29

      it was necessary to spit like a worm would be super

  25. Svetlana
    04/19/2024 at 21:06 Reply

    I tried, I didn’t notice the super wash, but the ball didn’t fall apart

  26. Vladimir
    04/20/2024 at 21:46 Reply

    Balls, kettlebell - Nonsense! I have an 8 kg dumbbell! Just 2 balls, and eternal! After the first wash, the paint came off the dumbbell! I think to connect a second dumbbell! 4 balls - class!

    • Olga
      04/22/2024 at 00:07


    • George Michael.
      04/30/2024 at 18:27


  27. Vanyusha
    04/21/2024 at 15:18 Reply

    LG will write a new washing machine manual. There will be a ban on foil balls.

  28. Igor
    04/22/2024 at 07:46 Reply

    Afftor smoked something terrible)))

    • Adeksey
      04/26/2024 at 14:46

      All right! Smoked through the foil in the bathroom, the wife came! Foil in the washer and start. EUREKA !!!! a new way of washing is discovered.

  29. Yuri
    04/22/2024 at 09:07 Reply

    This is all from the same series: “extinguish” soda with vinegar. Why, no one understands, but there is such a folk habit, tradition. The main thing is to believe and convince others

    • Lara
      04/25/2024 at 18:21

      Not everyone quenches soda, but only those who don’t like the taste of soda ...

    • Anna
      04/25/2024 at 23:21

      It's actually basic, Watson. If you do not extinguish with vinegar, then in baking there will be a tangible taste of soda, if you extinguish - there is no taste of soda.

  30. Yuri
    04/22/2024 at 12:30 Reply

    I would all - who resists the above author of the article: I would advise to turn at least to the school curriculum of physics: that is, any of your movements is electromagnetism, to say the least. So that this has a place to be, like that something- "everything ingenious is simple."

    • Demon maxwell
      05/02/2024 at 19:01

      Electromagnetism is a branch of physics that deals with electricity, magnetism, and the interaction between them.
      Refer to the school course yourself!

  31. Kolovrat
    04/22/2024 at 16:24 Reply

    Do not listen to anyone, I always throw 2 cast-iron kilogram dumbbells, and shave off a little laundry soap, the result is clear — white sheets. A man with golden hair came, and was amazed, soon he will come to you.

  32. Svetlana
    04/22/2024 at 16:20 Reply

    I agree with Yuri. I myself am a physics teacher. When the balls of foil beat against the material, when washed, they knock out the internal negative charge, but the positive remains. So that the fabric, after washing, has a neutral charge, you still need to throw dumbbells, then one end of the dumbbells will hit a negative charge during a collision, and the other, the opposite end of the dumbbells will knock out a positive charge. In order for the method to work effectively, you need to set the maximum speed of the washing machine, and your fabrics will have an absolutely neutral, zero charge after washing. If it were possible to draw, I would show you everything on the diagrams.

  33. Alex
    04/22/2024 at 20:12 Reply

    In general, critical comments, mainly from those who have not tried it, are criticized by speculative exercises. Small pieces of aluminum deposited on clothes can remove static. Such a fine powder, powder, and a little, therefore, it is not visible.

    • Tatka
      04/24/2024 at 15:54

      It is not necessary to jump from the 9th floor to check gravity. Critical comments are based on knowledge.

  34. MV
    04/22/2024 at 22:15 Reply

    People, what a dispute: weights, dumbbells, balls - in a bag for washing clothes, or as in the article: “If there is fear for delicate silk and lace things or for the fact that the ball will begin to sprinkle with aluminum pieces, then hide it in a protective net ".


  35. Dmitry
    04/23/2024 at 07:29 Reply

    Balls of feces of a goat or a rabbit not only save from static, but also add a unique aroma to linen. Afftar be sure to try.

    • Anna
      04/24/2024 at 19:48

      Class.and naturally ... almost alpine herbs ... slightly processed. for best results

  36. zloy
    04.24.2019 at 15:35 Reply

    I usually add a couple of cloves of chisnok and bell pepper, mustard ao taste

  37. Alexey L.
    04/24/2024 at 15:34 Reply

    Aluminum salts, and the foil is aluminum + chemistry of powders is very toxic. And do not cook in aluminum.

    • Monya
      05/02/2024 at 18:36

      And do not wash with powder

  38. Denis
    04/24/2024 at 16:44 Reply

    Komment for those who use foil balls. At the next wash, try laying a brick, it removes all the static, gives things a pristine look and freshness of alpine meadows.

  39. Alexandeer
    04/24/2024 at 17:52 Reply

    Che argue, add better immediately aluminum powder, there will be an effect

  40. Lyudmila
    04/24/2024 at 21:42 Reply

    On t-shirts from foil balls, recesses similar to spots are drawn, so not everything is perfect.

  41. IR
    04/24/2024 at 22:24 Reply

    The publication was probably being prepared on April 1, but it was a little delayed to see. I was especially impressed with the removal of electrostatics in wet! Super! For inventive moronism five pluses! The author a little mocked at the beginning hostesses, and we led ourselves and spread a discussion of this nonsense!

  42. Mark
    04/25/2024 at 05:34 Reply

    what kind of stitch? static stress in a humid environment does not accumulate. learn physics gentlemen!

  43. DV
    04/25/2024 at 11:09 Reply

    Try the red brick, not all of course, you’re not fools, I hope)))) exactly half, otherwise overdo it! The effect is not long in coming! You will be very surprised! Balls have a rest in comparison with cubes! It works without powder, gel, (! Calgon! Your machine will no longer need it anymore), another unnecessary chemistry that only spoils things, and spends your money !!!!
    RED BRICK!!! That says it all!

  44. Ilya
    04/25/2024 at 14:27 Reply

    Insanity, the generation of the exam.
    All the “pluses” - if not bullshit at all (such as static in the water !!), are very doubtful (due to what “saving”? Where will the divorces go?) Or debatable.
    But the mountain of obvious minuses has swollen:
    * aluminum - soft metal, leaves black marks (try to draw a ball of foil over the fabric yourself).
    * padded and dangling weight impairs drum balancing (hi noise, quick wear and long spin)
    * foil can tear or additionally wear delicate fabrics
    * the foil is scattered on the scales can clog filters, get into clothes

  45. San'ko
    04/25/2024 at 14:56 Reply

    Have you tried milk with herring? This is generally tin. I recommend.

    • MADAMA
      04/28/2024 at 11:10


  46. Ivan
    04/25/2024 at 15:08 Reply

    With red bricks, only red things are washed, with white - silicate - white! 🙂

    • Maria
      04/30/2024 at 04:39

      Thanks everyone! I haven’t laughed so long!

  47. Groom Fedorov
    04/25/2024 at 16:46 Reply

    I charge depleted uranium into the stripper ...

    • Marina
      05/03/2024 at 08:38

      :))))) klasssss :))

  48. Nina
    04/25/2024 at 19:36 Reply

    Oh! People, people. You have to fail yourself!

  49. Larisa
    04/25/2024 at 21:25 Reply

    We laughed heartily, thank you all, cheered up

  50. Androyd
    04/25/2024 at 22:15 Reply

    And if there is no washing machine, what to throw?

  51. Denis
    04/26/2024 at 07:14 Reply

    why remove static voltage, connect an inverter welding machine to it and you will be happy saving energy washed and welded haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. who invented such a piece

  52. Dmitry
    04/26/2024 at 08:50 Reply

    You still have to catch the ball, and you’ll get tired of running around two or three.

  53. kypexa
    04/26/2024 at 15:45 Reply

    You are unique those who use the balls you create your site with views and share and after a year already wikidite your r ... in a place with things

  54. Fur
    04/26/2024 at 22:04 Reply

    Cool so much nonsense is. Especially about statics in the form of bullshit.

  55. Michael
    04/27/2024 at 06:44 Reply

    The savvy of our people, always surprised me. So this time, good advice. And dolbyatyam who missed the school course, you can significantly keep silent.

  56. Michael
    04/27/2024 at 06:39 Reply

    Well done

  57. Khadijat
    04/27/2024 at 08:37 Reply

    I used a cinder block for washing machines with a large drum, it very well washed things, so the ball sucks, the cinder block washes super ... ..😊😃

  58. valerafromsplus
    04/27/2024 at 14:33 Reply

    Wow people!

    And I kicked the Kisten into the drum! With his properties he sewed tattered monthly socks with panties !! And so washed that now there is no need to wash anymore. For centuries!!! 🙂

  59. valerafromsplus
    04/27/2024 at 14:05 Reply

    A brush! Only Kisten !!

  60. Tim
    04/27/2024 at 15:32 Reply

    I throw apples from the supermarket into the washer. Both the laundry is clean and the fruit is washed

  61. Vlad
    04/27/2024 at 21:47 Reply

    Thanks to everyone, laughed heartily

  62. Vladimir
    04/28/2024 at 08:09 Reply

    I suppose the stocks of foil are large in warehouses. Though somehow it is necessary to sell.

  63. artur12
    04/28/2024 at 12:14 Reply

    Pour nails for five kilograms and the nails should be one hundred and fifty. The nails are kept in a spread, which allows washing the laundry from all sides. And there isn’t enough nails for more than one washing machine.

  64. Vladimir
    04/28/2024 at 15:33 Reply

    Some kind of heresy about statics. The author did not study at school

  65. a guest
    04/28/2024 at 15:28 Reply

    Article from the foil manufacturer)))

  66. Vladislav
    04/28/2024 at 18:25 Reply

    I ruined the suit with such a rubber ball with spikes. After washing, the material was in spools.

  67. Eugene
    04/28/2024 at 18:43 Reply

    I yelled thanks =))) the one who came up with the article, I advise you to re-learn physics.

  68. Olya
    04/28/2024 at 19:03 Reply

    Well, and neighing! )))))))) How many fun and kind people we have!

  69. Oleg
    04/28/2024 at 22:47 Reply

    This is the idiocy of schizophrenics 🤣

  70. Dmitry
    04/28/2024 at 22:31 Reply

    Quackery. The recipe how to charge water you will not publish?

  71. Eldar
    04/29/2024 at 02:28 Reply

    Clothing without any balls turns into dust, in the drums of cars and so there are ribs. The whole apartment is in a thick layer of dust from rags. The fabric of clothes is now very poor and the powders are aggressive, capitalism you see, we survived!

    The ribs help to beat and shovel the fabric and the fabric whips itself when changing the direction of rotation of the drum. Particles of aluminum on clothing can reduce electrification. But as already noted above, aluminum and its compounds, at best, are not needed by the human body.

  72. Eldar
    04/29/2024 at 03:37 Reply

    Foil is definitely not worth putting in a typewriter, unless you want adventures, repairing a typewriter or repairing an apartment from the neighbors below, or, even worse, electric shock.

    If there were special homogeneous aluminum balls (but hollow inside, so that their density was low), then yes, it is possible. Effects: linen does not stick together during washing, stretches better; particles of aluminum on clothes help reduce electrification (but aluminum and its compounds, at best, are not needed by the human body).

  73. Natalya
    04/29/2024 at 08:48 Reply

    Thanks to everyone, amused!

  74. Kolya
    04/29/2024 at 15:56 Reply

    I usually throw a closed Pepsi bottle. Probably everyone knows the ability to wash.

  75. alik
    04/29/2024 at 20:27 Reply

    what static do you wash with gasoline yes

  76. IR
    04/29/2024 at 21:31 Reply

    The author is a genius! It would seem delusional publication caused such a heated discussion! The goal is achieved! So many people had a chance! Finally I came across a topic where everyone suddenly felt like an expert in the field of materials science, electrostatics, mechanics and other, other ... !!! Ha ha ha !!!

  77. Fedya
    04/29/2024 at 23:14 Reply

    Try to put the iron with the balls. Lingerie will be not only without static, but also ironed right away. Yes, do not forget to turn on the iron in the socket.

  78. Maria
    04/30/2024 at 04:14 Reply

    Guys, thanks everyone! About five years I didn’t laugh!

  79. Gosha
    04/30/2024 at 12:20 Reply

    What is static in water? Or do you wash in distilled water without SMS? rave…

  80. Elena
    04/30/2024 at 17:24 Reply

    Thank you all for your good mood, laughed heartily😄

  81. Andrey
    05/01/2024 at 00:20 Reply

    If you replace the balls with an iron, then a double effect will be achieved (the linen will be not only clean, but also ironed)! Also, bricks and dumbbells are not needed, since the iron with its weight perfectly copes with microbes and spreads them on the walls of the drum, creating an additional protective layer on it, which will increase the life of your machine several times! During such washes, your machine can be used as a dishwasher at the same time. Especially, it is recommended to put family porcelain and expensive crystal along with things, which will give your things a new shine! Literally after the first wash, your machine can be used as a slow cooker and microwave, and at the same time! And in the summer, also as an air conditioner. In winter, you can also forget about heating appliances! The washing machine, loaded with wood and coal, is perfectly installed in the "smart home" system.

    • Michael
      05/02/2024 at 15:40

      Andrey, handsome, but I only thought about concrete

  82. Eustace
    05/02/2024 at 06:46 Reply

    The uttermost ravings! About static e-mail speech can not be! Mechanical impact, maybe ...

  83. Michael
    05/02/2024 at 21:51 Reply

    What is the static in the aquatic environment?

  84. Dmitry
    05/02/2024 at 22:12 Reply

    I also recommend adding a handful of nails or screws. Speak for the brain helps.

  85. LELIK
    05/02/2024 at 23:02 Reply

    Try to throw in the F-1 machine with a folded check. The effect will be indescribable. Everything is washed - doors, walls, even the windows of neighbors opposite.

  86. Dmitry
    11/07/2024 at 11:16 Reply

    Water is an excellent conductor of electricity. Where can static electricity build up in a washing machine? Ladies, I am once again “very surprised” by your mental abilities.


