Choose the mode for washing the down jacket in the washing machine
Not so long ago, the mistresses only dreamed about a washing machine. Now you can easily throw everything from underwear to work clothes into the drum and go about your business. But can a machine help save time and effort on washing a down jacket? Let's try to figure out in which mode to wash the down jacket in the washing machine so as not to spoil it, and indeed, is this a good idea.
How safe is it to wash a down jacket in a typewriter?
Despite the statements of many dry cleaners that it is advisable to subject down jackets to exclusively dry cleaning, most people are not ready to give a lot of money every season for this service. On some labels, manufacturers indicate handwashing as an alternative way of cleaning, but in this case, laziness becomes a decisive factor: it is rather difficult and long to wash outerwear by hand. This made people decide on a desperate step: wash the down jacket in a typewriter, even if this method of washing is not indicated on the label. And what came of it?
- In most cases, such a washing experience is successful if you know in what mode to wash the down jacket in a washing machine.
- Sintepon down jackets are more difficult to spoil than down-filled jackets: the latter require more rules.
- Initially, low-quality products survive washing by hand more easily than machine washing, and even with the spin cycle.
Examining a product care label will never be out of place. Understand all these icons and make it a rule to look at the label before you buy things: so you will know in advance whether you can provide her with proper care.
That is, provided that you know in which mode it is better to wash a thing so as not to spoil it, your down jacket will remain safe and sound even after washing in a machine.
Which mode to choose?
The most important rule, non-observance of which can lead to serious deformation of a thing, is what mode to wash the down jacket in the machine. The fact is that high temperatures are detrimental to synthetics, and if you choose the washing mode at 60 or 90 ° C, then the synthetic elements will begin to melt. Of course, not as much as under the influence of fire, but you can no longer wear such a jacket. Products on synthetic winterizer will be completely damaged: the synthetic winterizer under the influence of high temperatures falls into lumps that will be impossible to straighten, and the fabric is deformed. But even in fluffy jackets, not only synthetic fabric will suffer. The problem is that fluff with strong heating can lose its heating qualities: even if it does not deform externally, the thing will be damaged.
So in what mode to wash a down jacket for down or synthetic winterizer? You can choose any mode with a washing temperature of 30 ° C: these are usually the modes for washing synthetics, wool or “delicate washing”.
The rinse mode selection is also important. If you rinse the down jacket only once, it is likely that the detergent will not be completely washed out of it. This is not so bad for sinteponovy down jackets: the maximum of troubles that such a situation can bring are small stains and a persistent smell. But the settled chemistry will not affect feathers in the best way, so it is recommended not to save water and still choose an additional rinse.
In addition to rinsing, it is worth thinking about spinning.High-quality down jackets can survive the spin even at high speeds, but the higher this indicator, the greater the load on the seams and the higher the likelihood that feathers will climb out of them. The optimal number of revolutions is still in the range of 600-700, and if the down jacket did not survive well the first time, you can repeat the cycle in the same mode.
Do I need to prepare a down jacket for washing?
Even if you know in what mode to wash the down jacket, your clothes are still not completely safe: there are several unpleasant moments that you may encounter without having an idea of the basic recommendations for washing down jackets. What are these situations and how to avoid them?
- Take care of stains in advance. The machine will cope with the dirt in general, but it is better to remove individual stains before washing at least partially. This, first of all, concerns greasy and jammed areas on the sleeves and near pockets: they must be treated with soap and a brush in advance.
- Turn the down jacket inside out. This is especially important if you wash the thing often, and would like to wear it for several seasons. The front side will quickly lose its presentation due to friction against the drum, therefore, as in the case with any other clothes, down jackets are advised to twist before washing.
By the way
In order to maintain shape before washing, it is recommended to fasten all zippers and buttons, but good quality down jackets do not deform even if this rule is not observed.
- Do not forget to remove the fur edge. Of course, washing a natural fox or rabbit will not occur to anyone, but even if the fur is artificial, it must be unfastened. In the opposite case, after washing you can no longer wear it, because it will completely lose its appearance.
- The secret that saved a lot of down jackets from stalling is a regular tennis ball put in a drum along with clothes. It will not let fluff and sintepon stray into lumps, and you will not have to distribute the filler manually.
If the tennis ball is bright, check to see if it sheds. In the case of light-colored down jackets, a shed ball can cause damage to the product.
- When choosing a detergent, give preference to liquids or gel capsules: it is extremely difficult to completely wash the powder from the filler.
- Wash the down jacket separately from other things: this way its fabric will not stain, and more delicate things will not be affected by its locks and rivets.
- Well, of course, do not forget to remove their contents from the pockets before sending the down jacket to the machine.
By the way
The higher the stitching frequency, the easier it will be to distribute the fluff or sintepon inside the segment after drying.
How to dry a down jacket?
Now that you know all the details on caring for down jackets, there should be no problems with the preparation and washing. But how to dry the product after? Keep these tips in mind and drying will no longer cause questions.
- Do not use additional sources of heat: a hairdryer, battery or heater can distort synthetics and reduce the heating properties of fluff.
- Ventilation of the room in which the down jacket dries, on the contrary, is welcome: so you speed up its drying without risking spoiling the thing.
- Dry the down jacket in a buttoned form on a hanger in order to give it shape during drying and to avoid the need for ironing.
- If you still had to iron the product, do it with a steamer.
- Do not dry down jackets horizontally, especially if they are not syntepon, but down. Air should flow to the filler from all sides so that it does not cake and does not mold.
Now you have all the information so that your down jacket survives more than one wash and lasts a record number of seasons.