Where and how should boots be stored in the summer?
After the end of the period of wearing boots, the mistresses have to figure out what to do with the shoes so that it does not take up much space, while maintaining their attractiveness and functionality until the next season. As practice shows, very few people know how to store high boots, as well as rubber products or their marsh counterparts.
As a result, shoe items are covered with creases, cracks, sometimes even traces of mold. They quickly become worthless, so by the beginning of the season the wardrobe has to be urgently updated. But if everything is done correctly, such problems will not arise. At the same time, preliminary preparation and the correct arrangement of shoes for the summer do not take much time, do not require large energy costs.
Basic Rules
Before storing boots for summer storage, they must be properly prepared. This rule applies to all models, without exception, even rubber and marsh - so unpretentious in appearance. Depending on the type of material and product features, the following manipulations will be performed:
- Any boots must first be thoroughly cleaned from dirt, dust, reagents. Not only the decorative surface of products is processed, but also their sole. It is forbidden to use metal graters or hard brushes, they easily damage any surface.
- Suede and velor are recommended to be treated with special wire brushes. And scuffs from such surfaces can be removed by rubbing them with fine-grained sandpaper, and then holding them for a few seconds over a stream of steam.
- Tall suede boots so popular today in just one season, socks lose their appeal. Do not think that in the summer or before the start of the next season it will be possible to fix it, it is better to do everything right away. You just need to prepare a weak vinegar solution, wipe it with products and dry thoroughly.
- Wading boots and products that have been worn for a long time are soaked in sweat, even if it is not obvious at first. Such items of shoes must be decontaminated before cleaning. To do this, prepare a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, which gently process all the inner surfaces of the boots. 3% hydrogen peroxide also copes with the smell of sweat.
- After all the preliminary processing steps have been completed, the products must be dried. To do this, it is best to use well-ventilated rooms or a balcony with fresh air. Attempts to speed up the process using artificial heat sources will not lead to anything good. Wading and rubber boots from such exposure can generally become thin.
It remains only to choose a place in which it will be possible to store boots in the summer. And this will depend on the purpose of the shoe, the features of its material and design.
How to store high-top boots?
In this case, you need not only to choose the best place to store your boots, but also to organize everything correctly. Only in this case, capricious products will not be covered with creases, folds, scuffs.
The following recommendations can be adopted:
- An old but effective newspaper option. Just don’t just need to cram paper into boots, it’s better to roll voluminous balls the size of a fist from it. They will help maintain the shape of the product, absorb all excess moisture, and do not stretch the material. If there is such an opportunity, it is recommended that the filler be updated every 3-4 months, monitoring the condition of the shoe.
Tip: You should not hope that the cardboard inserts that accompanied the boots during the sale will keep the shape of the products during the summer months. After one season of active wear, the models will noticeably stretch and these tabs will simply sink into them, not fulfilling their purpose. Therefore, you need to take care in advance of the selection of a suitable option.
- If there is enough space in one of the cabinets, then it’s better to hang your favorite pair of boots using specialized store or homemade hangers for this. A plastic part resembling a mannequin’s leg is inserted into a boot that fastens. And the hook clings to any crossbar.
- In extreme cases, you can also use hangers for trousers, consisting of two wooden crossbars that clamp the upper part of the product. To prevent dents on the surface of the boots, put strips of thin foam rubber or fabric under the crossbars.
- Finally, inflatable and plastic fillers provide the desired degree of fixation of the shaft. True, there are several negative aspects to their use. Plastic has a specific smell, which is transmitted to the skin and suede. Someone does not even notice, and some then can not wear such boots. Inflatable elements after some time begin to deflate, so they need to be replaced or pumped up. And if something heavy falls on such fillers, then they can burst with a rather loud sound.
It turns out that the main thing when storing high boots is the prevention of creases. In no case can you just fold your boots, bending the boot and stowing it in a box. Even genuine leather, so immune to external influences, will not be able to maintain its original texture with this approach.
Features of storage of rubber and wading boots
Many housewives continue to store marsh and rubber boots as necessary, even if they have already had to get rid of several spoiled pairs. In fact, there is nothing complicated in creating the conditions suitable for specific products. It is only necessary to observe the following rules:
- You need to spend at least 2-3 days on drying. It seems that these materials do not get wet or dry very quickly, but this is not so. Only after a couple of days in the fresh air do they really get rid of all excess moisture.
- Keep rubber products in direct sunlight or near artificial heat sources. From this, the material will dry out, crack, may even burst.
- These models cannot be stacked, they must be kept in an upright position, otherwise the inside of the shoe may be covered with mold colonies. If the shafts are soft, then the products should be filled with crumpled newspaper balls, which again is recommended to be replaced every 3-4 months.
- Despite the fact that wading boots are usually very tall, they can only be stored in a flattened form. It is best to hang them in some cool, but ventilated room. If there is such an opportunity, then they need not be bent in any part. When it is impossible to create such conditions, the most gentle type of laying is allowed. But in this case they will have to be taken out every month and hung out for several hours in the fresh air in a straightened state.
- The quality of the material will remain at the proper level for a long time if the outer part is coated with a small amount of glycerin before storage, and the inside is poured with cosmetic powder, baby powder or talcum powder.
- The optimum storage temperature for these shoe items is 5-15ºС, with humidity from 40 to 60%. Containers with kerosene or oil should not be near. In frost, the rubber surface may crack.
All of the above manipulations only seem troublesome and lengthy. In fact, the whole process involving active actions takes no more than half an hour.But the end result speaks for itself. Products that are stored in compliance with the above rules for a long time retain their functionality and attractiveness, do not shrink and do not stretch in the most inappropriate places.