Is it possible to store carrots in the refrigerator: useful tips and life hacks

In an apartment, the most optimal place to store carrots is a refrigerator. Moreover, both the main compartment and the freezer. Short-term storage does not imply any special conditions or preparations, but long-term storage will still require some additional actions.

Peeled carrots

First of all, carrots should be picked on time, as soon as the tops begin to turn yellow. The exact dates are indicated on the packaging of the seeds - you should either write them down or save the bag. Accuracy during harvesting is also very important, since damaged root crops have a very short shelf life.

Tip magazine recommends not to water the carrots a day before weeding, so it will remain juicy longer. And the tops should be cut or cut off immediately, for the same reason.

Before harvesting carrots, it is worth drying and sorting it out, taking only strong root crops.

Chopped carrots


  1. Root crops slightly shake off the ground, but do not wash.
  2. Carrots are wrapped in a cling film one at a time or put in a plastic bag of 3-6 pieces, not more. Moreover, the first option is preferable, as it will immediately be visible where the carrots begin to deteriorate. And due to the fact that the fruits do not touch each other, rot will not spread.
  3. After that, the carrots are cleaned in the vegetable box of the refrigerator, where it is quietly stored for up to six months, or even longer.
  4. It is worth making sure that there are no apples in the same box. Their neighborhood will negatively affect the shelf life of carrots.
  5. Periodically, you need to check the box with root crops and timely clean up the damaged ones.

Vegetables in the fridge

With washed carrots, the situation is approximately the same. It is only necessary to dry it after washing, and damaged ones should be used faster and not laid together with stronger ones. And, although such root crops will by definition be stored less (from 1 month to 3), this option is more hygienic and therefore preferable for a refrigerator.

As for storage in the freezer, the carrots must first be washed, peeled and either grated / chopped with a blender or cut into slices. Only after this I put the root vegetables in a bag or container and freeze it. So it will definitely lie for 1 year.

Carrot Rinse

Repeated freezing is unacceptable, so you should immediately pack carrot slices in small portions, for example, in an ice mold.

A small life hack from the authors of the site To slightly extend the freshness of already peeled carrots, put it in a small container and fill it with water, then refrigerate. Shelf life in this way will last 3-4 days.

Vegetables in containers in the refrigerator

Carrots are a rather unpretentious vegetable and it is very simple to store it both in the refrigerator and in the winter on the glazed balcony. Moreover, for the second option, you do not even need to wash root crops - put in a box and wrap it so that it does not freeze.

For greater reliability, gardeners are advised to sprinkle the fruit with sawdust or onion husks - but this will not require much effort. To load carrots into the freezer, you will need more effort and patience, but you will always have a portion of carrots ready to cook at hand.

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