Can eggs be stored in the freezer?

Berries, vegetables, herbs and even bread can be frozen, and eggs? And it turns out that they can also be stored in the freezer! There are only a few important nuances.

How to prepare the product

If you try to freeze the eggs as they are, the shell will crack and the product will be spoiled. Perhaps because of this, many people think that eggs should not be frozen at all, but the whole thing is only in the property of water to expand when freezing. Let's take a look at the little tricks that will allow you to freeze eggs without losing their properties.

Whole frozen egg

So, we need:

  • clean dry deep dishes (e.g. a bowl)
  • any container suitable for freezing products (container or molds for ice),
  • some salt or sugar
  • a strainer or slotted spoon, anything suitable for stirring (but not whipping) eggs,
  • and just a couple of minutes of time!

Getting started:

  1. The first thing to do is to gently break the shell and pour the contents into the prepared dishes.
  2. Immediately determine the quality of the egg: if at least any doubts arise, it is better to immediately get rid of the product - your health is more expensive!
  3. After making sure of suitability, we decide what goals the eggs will serve in the future. If in the future you need to divide it into yolk and protein, then you need to do it now. A slotted skimmer is perfect for separation.

Separated yolks from proteins

How to freeze yolks

Yolks can be frozen in two forms: raw and hard-boiled.

Raw yolks

By themselves, they tolerate low temperatures well, but when freezing raw yolks, it is important to add a little salt or sugar to avoid crystallization and loss of consistency.

Frozen yolk

What's next:

  1. Pour the product into the dishes for freezing, leave a couple of centimeters to the edge, so that the substance has a space for expansion.
  2. Now - in the freezer.

Do not forget that when freezing eggs increase in volume. It is also important to close the lid tightly to maintain the consistency of the liquid egg mass.


With the prepared yolks, you will have to resort to additional actions:

  1. We clear of protein and put in a pan.
  2. Fill with salted water so that it overlaps them by a couple of centimeters.
  3. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
  4. Let’s stand for five to ten minutes.
  5. We take it out of the water, and making sure that there is no excess moisture, we send it to the container for freezing.
  6. Sent to the freezer compartment.

Advice from Before freezing, yolks can be crumbled so that later it is easier to use them in cooking. In addition, the crushed yolk freezes evenly, and it is more convenient to store it.

Squirrels and whole eggs

Boiled proteins are unsuitable for freezing, as in any case they will lose their structure and taste. But raw (and, accordingly, whole eggs) can be frozen quietly.

Frozen egg

To do this, we need:

  1. Separate the protein, if necessary, or pour into the whole bowl.
  2. Stir gently. It is very important not to shake the egg, namely to mix to get a homogeneous mass.
  3. Raw proteins tolerate freezing well without any additives, but if you freeze the yolk and protein together, then add a pinch of salt or an incomplete teaspoon of sugar.
  4. Place the container in the freezer.

The thawed product must be used all at once - the repeated procedure will ruin the eggs. It is better to thaw them in the refrigerator, because a sharp drop in heat will affect the taste and texture in the worst way.

Egg storage

How much in a tablespoon
A whole chicken egg in volume approximately corresponds to 3 tablespoons of the mixture. The protein of one egg is 2 tablespoons, and the yolk is 1 tablespoon.

Properly frozen eggs are in no way inferior to fresh ones, and you can cook the same variety of dishes from them.

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