How to freeze parsley for the winter: 3 ways
In order not to buy greens at inadequate prices in the cold season, it is better to allocate a little time in the summer and freeze parsley for the winter in the freezer. Freezing allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of the plant, its aroma and taste, so you can safely add frozen greens to the first or second courses.
Method number 1 - freezing whole bunches
This method is the simplest of all. To freeze greens, it takes a minimum of effort and time. It must be prepared for freezing - rinse thoroughly, remove flaccid leaves. So that when defrosting there are no pieces of ice, the parsley should be slightly dried: put on a dry waffle towel and leave for 10-20 minutes, so that the water is completely glass.
You can additionally trim the stems, if they are not usually used for cooking. Then divide into small bunches, which will be used as a single serving for cooking. Pack in disposable bags and send to the freezer.
The advantage of the method:
- You don’t need much time and effort.
- greens are thawed in whole bunches, so it will have to be cut additionally;
- Packing is required for packages.
Method number 2 - freezing in the form of ice cubes
This method requires much more time than the previous one. But as a result, it will be enough to get the finished ice cube with parsley and add it to the dish. You do not need to cut anything else.
To properly freeze greens, you must first prepare it:
- For a start - wash thoroughly. You can not dry, because in the future parsley will be filled with water.
- After washing - finely chop and firmly fill the ice tins with the already chopped greens.
- Then fill with water and send to the freezer.
Some housewives experiment and use not melted butter, but melted butter as a fill. Sometimes it is additionally salted so that parsley acquires a special taste. But you need to understand that this option of freezing is not suitable for all dishes. For example, in some vegetable salads, butter is not appropriate.
- freezing in convenient portions;
- no need packages, packaging;
- can experiment and freeze with butter.
- preliminary shredding is necessary;
- it will take a lot of molds for ice;
- if you need to add greens to the salad, you have to wait until the ice melts;
- the process of laying parsley in molds is not very convenient and takes a lot of time.
Method No. 3 - crushed freezing
This option of freezing mistresses use it most often:
- Before freezing parsley, as in all previous cases, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and remove all wilted leaves.
- If stems are not used for cooking, it is worth trimming them.
- Next, you need to dry the greens. It is not necessary to leave it for a long time without cold, because it quickly loses its original appearance, valuable taste and nutritional properties, and fades. It is enough to wait until the water drains completely.
- Then you need to chop the greens and pack them in bags. In this case, it is not necessary to lay the parsley in single servings.
You can tamp a whole disposable bag, and when you need a portion of greens, use a knife - parsley will be easily separated from the total mass if it has been dried before freezing.
- when you need frozen greens, you can always separate the right portion, rather than defrosting a whole bunch;
- compared to freezing cubes, you don’t have to wait until the ice melts and the excess liquid drains if greens are needed for the salad.
- preliminary preparation of greens is needed: washing, shallow shredder.
Of course, the best parsley is the one that has just been plucked from the garden. But when this is not possible, freezing is the best option, especially since in the supermarket prices for greens are quite high in winter.