Is an ionizer needed in the house and why is it purchased?

The poor environmental situation is forcing people to seek means by which they can at least somehow protect their health. That's why an ionizer is needed in a house - depending on which appliance and for what purpose you are using, it purifies air or water. You can drink as many vitamins as you like, choose products, finding fault with their composition, and periodically travel to nature. But if you spend most of your life in the city, then your health depends on air and water. Of course, it is impossible to protect yourself from danger in the street. But you can take care of the microclimate in your home.

Air ionizer in the apartment

What is an ionizer?

To understand how this device works, you will have to remember the school chemistry course. The air contains the smallest particles - ions. All of them have a positive or negative charge. Ideally, the air is saturated with so many ions, thanks to which a person feels awake. No headaches, the body does not succumb to viruses.

But why do we face all these problems now and then? Surely many are familiar with the constant feeling of drowsiness, with which rest does not help to cope.

The reason for this is the insufficient amount of ions in the air. For example, indoors, their level is fifteen times lower. Most of all this is felt in rooms in which computers and televisions are constantly working. That is, office workers are most affected.

The chemical composition of water is also an important point on the path to health. Drinking water should have a neutral acid-base balance. But at best, we buy bottled drinks. Such water is processed at the factory, due to which harmful chemical elements are removed from it. And along with this there is an imbalance - acidity increases. And it is also harmful to the body. Especially when you consider that the acidity is high in other foods that we consume daily.

Air conditioner with ionizer

Work principles

We will deal with the principles of the ionizer.

  1. Current is supplied to the ionizing electrodes in the device.
  2. Because of this, a discharge occurs on them.
  3. Electrons "flow" into the air.
  4. When they interact with oxygen molecules, ions form.
  5. They spread over a distance of about three meters.

It is important to note that using the device precisely light negative ions are formed. They are most beneficial to human health.

The principle of operation of the water ionizer is significantly different.

  1. This device has two plates with different charges.
  2. One made of silver is the anode.
  3. The other is stainless steel. This is the cathode.
  4. During operation, an electric current is passed through them, due to which the release of silver ions begins.
  5. Because of this, the acid-base balance changes, and the water is divided into “living” and “dead”.

The device has separate channels for two types of water. “Living” is exactly the one in which there was an increase in alkalinity and a decrease in acidity. Such water is needed to maintain health.

Fresh air in the apartment


How exactly will this device affect your body?

The effect of the air ionizer:

  • there will be a restoration of the cardiovascular system;
  • sleep will improve;
  • appetite will return to normal;
  • memory and overall brain function are activated;
  • fatigue will decrease;
  • immunity will be strengthened (this is especially important for people who constantly catch colds or suffer from a runny nose and cough all year round);
  • respiratory problems disappear;
  • possible cessation of allergic reactions;
  • harm from radiation from a computer monitor and TV screen will be reduced;

The effect of the water ionizer:

  • the main direction is the reduction of acidity in the body;
  • bone strengthening (due to acids from food, a decrease in the amount of calcium occurs, and it is he who is the key to bone health);
  • treated water will help in the treatment of gastritis and ulcers, liver diseases;
  • it is also necessary for people who have begun to struggle with excess weight;
  • water helps the brain work and will be useful in case of constant nervous tension.

Air ionizer button


Of course, as in the case with any therapeutic agent, the use of an ionizer and the results of its work have some drawbacks and contraindications.

  • The need to clean the device regularly. Due to the nature of the work, dust will accumulate around it.
  • Possible harm from the electromagnetic field, although the negative consequences have not yet been scientifically proven.
  • It should not be used by people who have had a heart attack.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the contraindications of ionized water. It can not be used by people who are diagnosed with the following pathologies:

  • urolithiasis;
  • kidney disease
  • diabetes.

Modern air ionizer

How to use in the apartment

When using an ionizer in a room, several rules must be observed.

  • You should check the instructions for the device. It should provide a time during which continuous operation of the ionizer is allowed. In no case should you leave it turned on for the whole day.
  • Do not place it against a wall.
  • Place the device in that part of the room where the cause of air pollution is located - in crowded places and electrical appliances.
  • If you want to install it near the workplace, then remember - the distance between this device and the computer should be at least half a meter.
  • In rooms where it is very dusty, in the first few days you should not turn on the ionizer in the presence of people.
  • In addition, the instructions for some devices indicate that it is better to leave the room when using them.
  • Remember to regularly clean the appliance from dust.
  • Ventilate the room half an hour before turning on the ionizer.

There is a possibility that after starting use, you will notice a slight deterioration in health - nausea, dizziness, breathing problems. This is completely normal, because the body is not used to clean air. A similar condition is observed when traveling to nature.

Ionizer in a car

How to use in a car

In the car, it is also worth installing an ionizer. Due to the limited space and operation of the machine itself, the number of negative ions there is less than anywhere else. This causes viruses and germs to accumulate. In addition, we must not forget about such a dangerous substance as carbon monoxide.

Car ionizers are portable. They can work both on batteries and on the cigarette lighter. Different models differ in the installation method, but basically they are mounted either on the dashboard or on the windshield.

Many car ionizers are equipped with additional features:

  • motion sensor, thanks to which the device will start and stop working independently;
  • the possibility of adding flavoring. draws attention: as a rule, these devices do not require replaceable filters. But they also need to be cleaned regularly - for this it is enough to draw a cotton swab through the hole, after moistening it with alcohol.

Girl drinks water

How to drink ionized water

When taking water treated with an ionizer, you also need to follow the instructions. Failure to do so may be harmful.

  • If you have no health problems and the transition to ionized water is needed only for preventive purposes, then you should drink it half an hour before eating.
  • With gastritis with high acidity or an ulcer, they drink water with food.
  • Treatment of gastritis with low acidity is accompanied by the intake of ionized water an hour before a meal.
  • You need to drink water in small sips. It should be at room temperature, or slightly warm.
  • No more than one glass can be consumed daily, with some exceptions.

When treating an ulcer, the course of water intake should not exceed a week. Then you should take a break of five days and repeat the course.

To get rid of gastritis, you need to drink water for six days.

In the case of liver diseases, the course of treatment should not exceed four days. In this case, you need to drink two glasses a day.

Ionizer in a child’s bedroom

How to choose

When choosing an air ionizer, the following characteristics should be considered.

  • The amount of ion that it produces. The best indicator is 50,000. But for a home, a device with a lower value is also suitable.
  • The presence of two certificates. The technical evidence is that the device actually produces the indicated amount of ions. Hygienic confirms the safety of the ionizer and the possibility of using it in residential premises.
  • The area for which the device is designed. In the case of ionizers, cubic centimeters are used to calculate this characteristic. The ionizer should emit 400 positive and 600 negative ions per cubic centimeter.
  • A big plus for the ionizer will be the presence of a fan - so the processed air will quickly fill the room.
  • Noise level - in inexpensive models it is quite high.


Make sure that the device does not emit ozone - exceeding its normal amount can be harmful to health.

Ionizers have not yet become widespread and cause distrust of people. However, it is difficult to argue that they benefit health. A large selection of models will allow you to choose a device for both home and workplace.

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