Can I install the oven next to the refrigerator?

The arrangement of kitchen equipment is a responsible task. The question arises before many: is it possible to put a refrigerator next to the oven? Indeed, in a small space it is necessary to accommodate furniture and household appliances in such a way as to ensure functionality, safety and comfort. We will deal with this issue.

Kitchen design with integrated oven

Why aren't fridges and ovens the best neighbors?

Manufacturers of kitchen appliances do not advise putting a refrigerator with an oven. Refrigeration and heating equipment has its own technical, operational and functional features. During operation, they emit heat into the surrounding space, which may put an additional load on the working system of the neighboring unit. This is fraught with speedy breakdown of equipment, wear of its individual parts and mechanisms.

A property of the cooling system of the refrigerator is that it gives off heat to the external environment during operation, and the back wall of the unit is heated. With an additional thermal effect on refrigeration equipment, the compressor is forced to increase power, while the equipment overheats. Therefore, if the distance between the refrigerator and the oven is small, the life of the first is reduced. With an increased effect of heat on a heated oven, sparks may appear, possibly increasing the temperature inside the appliance.


When buying a refrigerator and an oven, you should pay attention to the recommendations in the instructions for the devices. Manufacturers always indicate the minimum distance for installation of equipment and possible restrictions on joint operation.

Refrigerator next to the oven

Kitchen appliances freestanding

Most often, the attached instructions for household equipment say that it is necessary to install heating appliances and a refrigerator at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other. The remoteness of technology can provide a work surface, table or cabinets.

The magazine recalls that, provided that the operating rules are not followed and the devices are located in close proximity, the service department has the right to refuse warranty repair of equipment in the event of a malfunction.

In a small kitchen, due to lack of space, homeowners are forced to place electrical devices close to each other. In such cases, it is important to think about the isolation of equipment or modern integrated devices.

The neighborhood of embedded appliances

The neighborhood of embedded appliances

Can I put the oven next to the refrigerator? This question can be answered positively if at least one of the devices is built-in. Modern oven models not only meet aesthetic requirements, but also have excellent heat-shielding characteristics. These types of equipment are additionally equipped with a thermal insulation layer. This reliable fence will not allow heat to go into the environment. The layer is made of heat-resistant cardboard or insulation. The built-in fan and protective shutdown are responsible for the safe operation of the oven.

The built-in refrigerator is also endowed with additional thermal insulation, unlike its predecessors. It is carried out by external elements of decoration.

High thermal insulation characteristics of built-in appliances allow you to place it in the kitchen space arbitrarily. In this case, it is completely allowed to put the equipment in close proximity.

Foiled Isolon

What can be used as insulation?

If the homeowner still has to build an oven near the refrigerator, then you should consider ways to isolate the devices from each other. It is important that the neighborhood of household appliances is safe. To do this, the gap between them cannot be less than 15 cm. You can separate household appliances with a narrow cabinet or a small shelf.

To delimit the kitchen space, but at the same time arrange the oven and refrigerator next to it, you can with a furniture partition. It can be replaced by a wooden frame for the installation of equipment. So the devices will be protected from additional heat.

Another method of separation is the coating of the wall of the refrigerator, which is located near the oven, with special heat-reflecting foil. Another name for the film is foil isolon. It will return heat waves, while the risk of overheating is minimal.

Thus, modern models of refrigerators and ovens may well get along nearby. Heating appliances and refrigeration equipment that do not meet these requirements and are not additionally protected must not be adjacent, but they can be isolated from each other. Following the above recommendations, you can ensure the safe coexistence of appliances in the kitchen.

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